Sunday, September 12, 2010

Little Things

I finally wrote down some of the little things that the kids do that put smiles on my face...

I love listening to Sophia playing with her princess dolls, mixed in with Dylan's firefighter dolls and her prince dolls. The story lines are hilarious. There are fires to be rescued from, lots of really loud smooches... One little clip (I think two princesses were talking to each other) "I love your boobies, hee hee" "I love YOUR boobies, hee hee" "Your pink ones and your blue ones"... It isn't all boob talk, though. They go to the doctor, get nasal mist flu medicine, have time outs... You know, a reenactment of our week and then some princess story lines. Her little princess stories are complete with a sound track as she breaks into song as they do in the movies.

Some Dylan stuff: I love seeing the bathroom stool in his room under his light switch - like how he has initiative and is problem solving. Little remnant of his actions. I love hearing Dylan hop out of bed in the morning, truck on the the bathroom, go pee, say "Dibble dibble dob" as I did when showing him to go pee on his own, then quietly coming to our room and hopping in bed for a little snuggle.

I love seeing Sophia's little collections around the house - she has odd assortments in little bags and boxes of dolls, found objects... Not sure what the rationale is as to what goes in, but it is cute.

I love how Dylan can do so much at three already with his mentor, Sophia, encouraging him along. He really likes to be able to do all that she can. He can undress and then choose his clothes and put them on all on his own. He puts on his shoes (most of the time on the right feet) all on his own, and he can even go down the fire pole in the playground ALL by himself!

I love listening to the kids play hide and seek (a daily activity these days). Dylan can already count to ten! He usually gets it right, however, he gets mixed up and I hear him shouting 1,2,3,4,6,8,4,5,6,9,10,4,6,7,8,9 Watch out, here I come!

Phew! Glad I got those down.

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