Sunday, November 20, 2011


It's ok to pretend sometimes.  Like in the morning when Dylan pretends he has a bad dream or sore toe when he wakes up before his green light knowing I will be too tired to put him back to his own bed and let him come into ours.  And then how I pretend to believe him thus letting him in and love snuggling and holding him close.  He really is the best snuggler.  Though, I must admit I wish he would close those beautiful eyes and go back to sleep these early mornings.  But no, he fidgets, snaps his fingers (a favorite pastime of his), sings the alphabet...  Oh, my little D.

We have had great weather on the weekends lately - mid 60's, 70's.  So nice that we have been taking the kids on hikes.  The first one, Sophia was VERY reluctant to go on, but after the first ten minutes she said she wished she wasn't so negative about going.  The second hike she was uber excited to go, but then took on one too many hills and became grouchy and tired.  Today's hike was supposed to be a good one - gorgeous weather, mid day... Unfortunately, though, Sophia was NOT eager to go and her mood didn't improve during the hike.  No, the only thing that kept her going was the promise of some caramel popcorn when she returned.  Sigh.,..   I guess that closes the chapter of our book on family hikes.

So, no updates on the bathroom.  Too depressing for me at this point.  I have started a little tiling around the tub, but won't post anything until that is done.

Thanksgiving coming up this week here in the US, so that bathroom will have to wait another week...  Looking forward to next weekend and seeing Santa parachute from the sky - wahoo!

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