Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hamster tragedy

So, about three weeks ago we got a couple hamsters- fuzzy beat and jack. Today we have one :(.
Sophia had a playdate today and things ended poorly. Sophia has troubles on playdates in playing with her friends. I believe she has trouble connecting or finding a way to play with another and ends up in the kitchen asking for food the whole time. I finally got her out and was giving her space to play with her friend. They were having fun with the hamsters, however, I think I should have been supervising more. Sophia is pretty good with them, but does get a little carried away sometimes and treats it like a toy. Her friend has a dog, but maybe didn't understand how fragile hamsters can be. Well, I was called upstairs to find the poor little guy kind of convulsing and then die :(
I think her friend broke his spine getting him out of the cage. I feel so bad for the hamster, Sophia and responsible for the incident for not supervising more closely. I am nervous hamster 2 may be injured too. If he is not hurt, I feel bad his little friend is no longer with him. Sad sad day.

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