Friday, February 11, 2011

V-day weekend.

Latest knitting project...

So, the bathroom has been sending hints again. A $435 water bill spurred some interest into the toilet. Should sign the pink lady up for a marathon with all the running she has been up to. Ouch. Here are some recent photos of recents events.

Looking forward to our first Valentines Day weekend away since the kids have been in our lives. YAY! This summer Ethan (who never reads this, so I can safely talk here without ruining the surprise) lost his wedding ring. Boohoo. So, I decided to get him a temp replacement to hold him over until our 10th anniversary. Glad I waited until today, the 11th, as I already am too excited to give it to him and couldn't imagine having to sit on this longer. Actually got him too, so he could choose. I bought the first and then decided to just have a look at another place in case there was a better one out there in the tight price range. Well, I found one, but was $50 over the price I told them I didn't want to go over. So they took off the $50. Hmph. didn't realize you could negotiate. Maybe I could have gotten a better deal on the first...

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