Thursday, December 29, 2011

I sense a decrease in productivity...

Mom and dad have been here 10 days and will leave in the morning.  Dad has been a machine around the house.  I couldn't bare to look at the bathroom after the leak was discovered.  My F-I-L took care of the leak and dad went to town on patching it up.  Then he moved on to the trimming out of the bathroom. LOOKS AWESOME!  installed and painted the baseboards, painted the window trim, trimmed and painted the door and built a beautiful threshold.  So nice!  Going to be sad when mom and dad leave.  Has been nice having them.  Feel bad that dad was WORKING the entire time.  Mom was very helpful with Christmas eve's food prep.  I was able to get wall number 3 tiled and dad was amazing washing my tools for me even though he was working along side on his own stuff.  Love you guys!

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