Saturday, March 24, 2012

Life of Leisure

I tend to get irritated when comments are made about the activities of stay at home moms.  I have recently been upping my exercise and like posting my runs on Facebook.  Kind of a log for myself through another website that automatically posts to facebook when sent from my phone.  I had one comment "I want your life".  Simple enough, yet it upset me and made me recall other comments made to "my life".  Sure I don't report to an office 8 hours a day and get a paycheck at the end of the week.  This does not mean I do not work.  As in any job, you can be good at what you do, efficient in time management, productive... or lazy and do the bare minimum.  I feel I do the former and start my day between 6 and 6.30.  I start by immediately making kids lunches and snacks for school, making their breakfasts and ensuring they EAT those breakfasts.  The lunches are made with care and I cut up fresh fruit and provide a variety of wholesome foods that are not prepackaged and place them in reusable sandwich and snack bags that I sewed myself.  I get on the kids to be dressed and sometimes have to assist in this and we are out the door by 7.45am.  I do a double drop off - one at 8.15am and the second at 8.45am.  Some mornings there is even an errand done in between.  After dropping off Dylan I have my day planned and this includes my 35minute run.  I am organized so that I don't waste gas in my errands for the morning and run is inserted in a way that I can still get everything done.  I don't think anyone thinks an office parent is living a life of leisure when they go to the gym before or after work, yet, because my job isn't really viewed as a job, I am seen as having it easy.  There are stresses and challenges in all jobs and they are what you put into them.  I redid my bathroom, scraped and painted the house, do most of the house chores - trash, laundry, yard work, snow shoveling, cooking, cleaning and these chores are 7 days a week.  Sometimes I gripe about stuff and am told it was my choice to be here.  Yes, it was my choice and I don't regret it.  I can still have gripes about the bad stuff.  I had gripes at the office too.  Both were legit, yet staying at home I am supposed to suck it up and not complain?  I like to vent - (ahem, like now).  Keeps things from building up and having a blow out.  So, for all moms - working and at home: I respect you and feel we are all doing what we want, faced with challenges that may be different, but challenges none the less.  We work hard and should be proud of that.  I intend on getting back into the office life soon and will feel frustrations not being able to accomplish all that I have been able to while at home - maybe only hit one grocery store instead of the three or four I get to in order to save money.  I DO look forward to a cleaning lady :) and interacting with adults about adult issues.  Getting away from the kids to appreciate them more while we are together...  I am scared to re-enter this work force being out of date and touch with what has been happening.  But I am also looking forward to tying a part time gig and having a life outside the house.  I am not really "real housewife" material.  Not fluttering from one social gathering to the next like a lot of moms around here I know.  I don't sit at home buying fancy things for myself and home.  I do look forward to more money in the wallet so that I CAN do some updating though :)

So, that is that.  Snip snap snout.  This tales told out.

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