Friday, March 2, 2012

Long time no blog

So, it has come to my attention that I have not made any new entries lately.  Not that I have been so busy, just not inspired?  Kids are doing well.  Dylan has been loving the play date action and requesting more and more.  He has had about 4 so far. 3 of them here.  The boys have been nice and well behaved.  Dylan is SOOO cute with his anticipation for the next one.  He will set aside his favorite shirt and pants at the beginning of the week to keep them clean so he can wear them for his playdate.  Current fav's include the batman shirt he got for Christmas and now a tiger t-shirt one of the grandma's brought back from india.  He likes to wear these with his two favorite "exercise" pants - one has three stripes and the other 1.  He has added the vest that my mom knit him at Christmas into the favorites list.  He wouldn't even try it on over Christmas, but yesterday it was not only requested, but added to his fav list.

Sophia is doing VERY well with her reading.  She is full on reading now and LOVES to practice on her own.  She spends 10 to 15 minutes after stories at bed time reading to herself.  She also enjoys writing her own books.  She staples a bunch of papers together and then writes and illustrates a story. 

The kids continue to take gymnastics lessons and we have added Swimming into the pile.  There is a little overlap right now, but gymnastics should be done soon.  I am psyched with Sophia's swim class.  We are paying for a group lesson, however, no one else has signed up which means she is actually getting a PRIVATE half hour lesson.  I think she will really do well in this class.  I accidentally signed Dylan up for the wrong level - one lower than he is supposed to be in.  I was happy to have them in at the same time so I am keeping them in it and the instructor will just treat him like he is in the upper level.  Works out well, I think (hope).  He is more timid this time around (maybe afraid his eye will get wet) so this class isn't as into head bobs and stuff that he actually finally got into at the end of his last session.  Hope he can move up.  He is not as big a fish as his sister.  She LOVES the water - as in being in it and swimming.  Dylan rather be on the shore and throw rocks in it or run through the waves and watching the splashes he creates. To each his own, right?

The bathroom is pretty much done - just need towl bars and toilet paper dispenser.  I taped the closet drywall and Ethan installed some shelves.  Nervous about the kids taking over this space as their new playroom - literally.  I am hoping Ethan paints is this weekend before they take complete possession over it and I never get my linens and bathroom/ cleaning products out of the bedroom!

Will post some pictures soon!  (kind of promise)

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