Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sweet Baby D

I know, I know.  You are thinking "What?!  No post about the bathroom? "

I guess this blog WAS intended as a journal of the lives of the kids, not the bathroom.  So, I am returning to my roots for this post.

Dylan has been extra snuggly with me lately and tackles my legs frequently to get in a good snuggle.  Can't say I mind this.  On another note, he has been having a great time with one of the little boys in his class - Tyler.  When Dylan hurt his eye, Tyler really reached out to him, made him a special card and made sure his mom drove over and dropped off a little present for him.  At school they have been playing a lot and they were actually lined up to have a playdate just before the accident.  Well, things are healing nicely with the eye and the holidays are past, so we were able to set up his first playdate a couple weeks ago.  Dylan set his favorite outfit aside ALL week (batman shirt and "exercise pants") for his playdate on Thursday.  Tyler came here and the two were so excited that I couldn't even get them to eat their lunch.  They were supposed to have a playdate last week at Tyler's house, but Dylan had pneumonia and an ear infection.  Lovely. rescheduled again for today (thursday) and Dylan again put that favorite outfit aside for the playdate and abstained from wearing it mon-wed.  When I went to pick him up from school to take him over, I joked with him and aske, "are you SURE you don't want to just stay home and snuggle with me instead?"  There was a long pause and then he replied "AFTER my playdate"  HA!  He his so funny and loving.  wasn't going to give up on the snuggles, got to work them in there too.

I was very impressed as well when I went to pick him up from the playdate.  Tyler's mom informed me that Dylan was so sweet and picked up the toys he played with before playing with other things.  I tell him this all the time at home, however, it rarely happens unless I of course nag at it.  Well, I guess it DID sink in and he was the perfect little guest.

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