Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crazy Dreams, Part 2

So, this morning I woke up to another vivid and unsettling dream. I was in Spain. In areas I had travelled to before in 1995. I knew the area and was aware of this. I was at a train station and needed to catch a train home. Only problem, I couldn't remember the name of the city I was going to. I was getting SO frustrated to the point of tears. I then realized I couldn't even figure out the name of the city I was in. I kept trying to find a schedule as I was sure I would recognize the names once I saw them. But I couldn't find anything with names on them. The schedules I found were vague and didn't have any names I knew of and I knew they weren't the right ones. I felt embarrassed asking others to help as I was I couldn't ask them for a train to a destination I didn't know. I did talk to a couple people who kind of tried to help, but they didn't have much to go on. They didn't offer any names of nearby cities either. weird.............

I have a feeling this is about our furnace issues and bathroom remodel projects - need to get going, having trouble starting.

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