Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lil' Helper

I am so loving Dylan's help. He is like a little shadow, following me around and wanting to do everything I do. Now, if only his eagerness lasts long enough that I can assign him tasks with real rather than toy equipment. If I go to sweep the floor, he runs for his broom. If I pull out the vacuum, he gets his, even though it is broken :(, and follows me around the whole time until "we" have finished the job. When it is time to make a meal, he is right in there wanting to help. He cracks his own eggs and scrambles them for breakfast, peels the carrots and potatoes... When outside, he runs for his mower, turns the key and fills up the gas when I get the big one out. Makes cutting the lawn worth the effort for me to see him tailing me with his more. I literally have a smile on the whole time. Gotto cherish these times as I know there will be a day when he grumbles when asked to perform such duties. When they become work, rather than fun.

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