Monday, August 31, 2009

4 pees on the potty... TODAY

Things are moving fast. Maybe too fast. I have heard of "windows" for potty training and this really feels like a "window". Dylan is excited about it, he even asked to go a couple times. He really pushes it out just to get something. pretty funny actually. But is he REALLY ready? I don't think he knows how to actually hold it yet, though he has been able to stop mid stream. hmmmm. With Sophia, it took an entire day of her peeing on the floor with NO attempts to go on the potty AND she seemed unable to stop the flow. Perhaps if I were to just let Dylan go all day with no diaper like I did for Sophia that he would have accidents all over the place too, but then would get it after a bunch of puddles. I don't look forward to the "leave the house anxiety" either. Sophia was older and also in a bed - able to get up to go if needed. She was also dry all night and able to hold it for a long time in the morning. Hmmmm. Not sure if Dylan is dry at night or if he pees as soon as he wakes up. He has been wet through his pj's a bunch of times. Oh, decisions decisions... He is really having fun with the potty, though... Got a poop out yesterday even. Ok, it was literally the size of a pea, but STILL :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009


One month ago today. Ok, maybe one month and three days, but who's counting. Started "operation paint house". Bob helped get things started with the pressure washer and then helped when he could with some scraping. I finished the scraping, sanded and then went on vacation. HA! Once again, upon return, Bob got things cooking again and started the priming. Thanks to him, the house was primed. Then he went and bought a house of his own and then there was one. Me. I called in some reinforcements - Emily, to take over with the kids so I could get some serious painting done. And now, the green is complete. Or at least as complete as it will ever be. Two coats on 95% of the house (NOT doing a second coat above dining room bump out - "light" ladder wouldn't reach and that orange ladder is just too much for me to ever try hoist again to reach that area). There are two coats on half the garage - not doing the two sides that aren't ever seen. I even patched a bunch of the roughed up boards before getting the second coat on. And now I am done. Let's hope the trim really does just "take care of itself..."

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Peeing on Command

Ok, Maybe I am a little more anxious than I was with Sophia to start potty training. I really hate poopy diapers smelling up the place. Plus, Dylan has had more "inspiration" than Sophia did to start - gets to watch THREE people use the potty. At any rate he has used the big (little) boy potty about 5 times now! First couple were caught mid stream while he was releasing in the tub. He was able to stop, let me take him out and finish on the potty. The last few times were pees on command. Two were bath time requests to sit and pee before bath and once was a mid day request to have a seat and see what happens. Yay Dylan!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Vacation

We are up in Wayne this week. Have been having good weather so I don't mind the thunder shower we are currently experiencing. Nice even. Arrived late Friday afternoon, been on the boat everyday. Gone tubing, knee boarding AND skiing. Pretty sweet. Sophia went tubing BY HERSELF for the first time ever today. Very impressed with her brevity. She joined me for a ride and we even had some wake behind the boat. Dylan is covered head to toe in skeeter bites (as I knew he would, but is still sad to see). Here's a look at our trip thus far.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I DID IT!!!!!

This was heard after Dylan completed this puzzle. He has done this ALL on his own three times now. Woot Woot!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Ok, this is kind of a test. me trying to be, well, computer savvy. HA! Trying to link into Picasa's website as photos here take FOREVER to upload and can only be done a few at a time. Here is goes!

Sophia has been taking over the camera a lot lately. Ok, BOTH kids have, but Sophia has actually been able to aim a little and get the desired object in the frame and capture it. Dylan is mostly interested in the flash.

Have a look at what the paparazzi has been up to.