Saturday, May 31, 2008

Before and After

The real benefit of waiting until your windows are repulsively dirty is that there is a remarkable before and after difference. There is no better reward to a task than to see such a difference. Regular cleaning doesn't provide this and so I wait. And wait. And wait. Until finally when outside is a mere haze, I get out the cloth and clean away. How satisfying. And then before one window is complete little fingers start the whole process over again.

Raspberry Wars

Dylan has taken to really enjoy blowing "raspberries". Sticking out his tongue and pthbththbththb thth. Sophia then enjoys getting in on the act. Result: A whole lot of spit on the floor. Cutest spit ever, though.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Making up for lost time

Dylan's teeth are coming in fast and furious now. After a four month break he got two more teeth last week and number six looks like it is going to make it'd day view (oops, I guess I meant debut. I knew it didn't look right and spell check didn't help out. Mom brain in action) soon.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a nice long weekend, both full and relaxing. Saturday we went to Houghton's Pond in the morning and painted some rocks in the "Blue Hills Chicawtabut Education center". We went up to Newburyport to celebrate Teddy's second birthday and pigged out on a super yummy BBQ.Sunday we went to Castle Island and played in the playground and had a picnic there. Hmmmm, and Ethan wonders why I don't post more pictures of him...
Cutest swinging lil' man EVER.
Some down time at home for pops and his princess.
Monday we had another fun morning at Houghton's pond and playground and then enjoyed a BBQ and sandbox building event with Bob and Jackie.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Outside the box

Dylan decided that he wouldn't teeth by the books. He surprised me tonight with his FOURTH tooth! I kept looking for the pair to the upper middle tooth that poked through not too long ago. Well, I should have looked on the OTHER side of that. Because that is where number 4 has popped through. I am pretty sure it arrived today. Probably in the car on the way to a birthday party in Newburyport. WAAAAAA! Yeah, there were some tears on that ride. Number 5 should arrive soon, though. Looks really close, thought IT would be here today.

I still live with my parents

Friday, May 23, 2008


Reasons why I fear we will lose Sophia to Hollywood one day...

1. A flare for the dramatic. All of Sophia's stories are told with great expression and elaborate hand/ arm gestures.

2. Love of song. She will put ANYTHING to song (mommy ouchie knee, pee pee diaper off...)

3. Usually paired with the song is a dance.

4. Her wiggle walk - not sure what brought this on, but she walked across the parking lot one day with her hands on her hips and wiggling her tush side to side.

5. Already working on her acceptance speech. This morning Sophia sang the alphabet song, then said thank you and took a bow. Where did she pick THAT up?! Adorable.

6. Is already in love with the camera. Knows how to work it- has her camera smile perfected.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

First transfer walk

Dylan walked from Ethan's fingers over to me for the first time tonight. It was about 4 steps. Again, in the middle he had a little pause, caught his balance and then continued to my arms. Wahoo!

Strong like ox

Sophia decided she would take Dylan around the yard in the wagon. She even provided him with the toy inside the wagon.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5 steps

Ok, so the fifth one was iffy, but there were definitely four in there. The fifth was pretty close to me so I don't know if it "counts".

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle

Sometimes I sing a couple extra verses for me. Dylan snuggles his head into my chest, sometimes sings along, other times leans to the side and I stare down at his perfect little face and wish he would stay like this forever.

Dylan really is a super snugly guy. He is happiest with me smothering him with kisses, pressing his cheek to mine... I wish I could hold him there all day long. But then I would miss out on Sophia putting me night night, leaning in and giving me a slow, gentle kiss and wishing me "sweet dreams". And that would be very bad. I guess I have it best right now :)

More stairs

Dylan proved again this morning his ability to climb stairs. I followed him half way up the main stairs this morning. I think he would have gone further if my fingers weren't so close to him...

Yesterday after dinner we headed outside as we usually do and Sophia chose her fire truck boots and rain coat to help Ethan mow the lawn.

This photo is reminiscent of a certain photo of Sophia and her cousin Zach...

Monday, May 19, 2008

More Firsts for Little Man

It is official. Dylan has taken his first steps. I will call it today, May 19. I have been putting him arms lengths away lately and then letting go to see if he will walk to me. He started by just falling into my arms and laughing like it was just a fun game. Then the other day he started to actually move his feet before falling into my arms. Today we practiced this about 10 times and he actually took two steps to me without the falling into my arms part. Still not entirely convinced these could be considered first steps I kept practicing. The last time he took two steps, paused and then a third to me. That required stabilization and balance that I think truly warrant the title of first steps.

Then late in the day after dinner I was putting Sophia's shoes on at the steps by the side door. As I did this I had Dylan between my legs on the landing. Then I say him CRAWL UP TWO STEPS all on his own! He was going for a third and then Sophia kicked back down. Wow! He did it like he had been doing it all his life and it was no big deal. So modest.


Sophia threw up a second time shortly after the first. I was able to get her to drink so electrolyte solution and she has rebounded like a little energizer bunny. She looked so sick on the couch and then 10 minutes later she was "washing" mommy's ouchie knee and then jumping around my bed. Half her clothes are in the laundry and I hope all the germs disappear with the dirty water. I guess we are pretty lucky that this is the first time Sophia HAS thrown up, just is too bad it has to happen at all.

Poor little Sophia

We started the day around 3am. Sophia woke and let out some cries, but they seemed more like "All done night night" cries to me. I went to her the first time and put her covers over her, told her it was the middle of the night and everyone was sleeping. She then called out again and again I went and told her this was the last time. She had to go back to sleep. She quieted down by 5 and then Dylan started babbling. I heard Sophia again around 5.20 and grouchily got up and told her there was no George or Caillou today and that she had to wait until nap time to go to sleep again. She didn't nap much yesterday so I was afraid her sleeping was getting off track. As I was nursing Dylan Sophia sucked back a glass of water like she had been on a hot dessert all night. I got her a second cup and that was gone just as quickly. About five minutes later it all came back up. Now I am sitting here feeling guilty and mean not tending to her more caringly last night, being angry at her for being up so early when I carried her down and not taking her temperature yesterday when I thought she felt a little warm. Dylan has had the same runny nose and watery eyes too, so now I am just waiting for him to start throwing up. I feel so incompetent when my kids are sick. Like other moms instinctly know what to do and I sit here staring at them wondering what I should do - do they need water? food? What kind of food? How do I make the bad stuff go away? I think Lamby does a better job taking care of Sophia than I do.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Seen better days...

Poor little Sophia hasn't been taking too well to this cold at all. Her nose was too stuffed for a nap this afternoon and her mood was none the better for it. I am a little suspicious that perhaps this could be allergies? I heard kids don't get them as much, but this seems so sudden and the runny noses seem to be the only symptom. Dylan is really taking his "cold" in stride, though. Pretty self entertaining and still has an abundant of smiles for us.

One Sunny Afternoon...

Despite the onset of their colds, we headed to Houghton's Pond yesterday afternoon to take advantage of the beautiful weather. A grey drizzly morning turned into a warm and sunny afternoon. Dylan had lots of fun splashing and playing in the water. Wasn't long before he was wet up to his belly. Note to self: Pack extra clothes and diapers to remain in the car all the time... Sophia enjoyed making sand castles with dad on the beach.


Both of my babies have colds that have hit them hard over night. We started noticing runny noses last night. Then Sophia wouldn't go to sleep and I had to go to her 3 or 4 times. Both kids were awake really early. First rumblings at 4.30 and I managed to keep away until 5.30. Their noses are like leaky faucets with intermittent gushes brought forth by a sneeze or two. Sophia seems to be hit harder, or at least is letting this affect her mood more. Funny how when my kids are sick they want to get up earlier/ go to sleep later. When I am sick all I want to do is sleep and lay in bed. sigh... I am always taken aback when other parents describe their kids when their are sick and say how they sleep more, nap longer, etc... Oh well, I still think our kids are the cutest ever and couldn't love em more if they slept a normal amount.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Morning Floss

Dylan loves to chew on, suck and pull across him mouth any string like substance - shoe lace, blind cord... So what better way to start his morning than in his dad's arms or lap flossing with dad's work badge string? A couple of cuties having some QT.

Cruise control

So, Dylan has really been doing a lot more cruising lately. Of course when I try to capture it on film he either stops or the lighting is terrible. He has also been practicing his free standing more. Has such a proud look on his face as he stands there balancing. The lengths of free stands is increasing too. He has even taken a couple steps before going into free fall into my arms. Not quite enough to consider his "first steps", or is it?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Knee Matters

Three appointments later and I still don't really know what is up with my knee. Has been swollen and "loose" feeling for a couple weeks now. After week one I decided to see a doctor as it is the knee I have had surgery on twice before.

First appointment was with a primary care physician. She was surprised by the fluid and looseness of the knee. Asked me to have an MRI


Called three days later (said it would only take one and I still hadn't heard back. Got in touch with a nurse who spoke to the doctor. Said the ACL wasn't torn, which I really didn't think it was, but was glad to hear. Was very wishy washy about the rest - didn't know why it was swollen, end of the line for them. Said I could check with my orthopedic surgeon. I felt VERY frustrated. Not only did I not have any answers, ,but I was required to make ANOTHER appointment. Huge pain when you have kids.

Third appointment was with Dr. Meeks who performed the last two surgeries about 6 years ago. I wasn't really confident in that visit. Even with the chart in front of him I had to let him know he did the surgeries. Then it kind of seemed like he was covering his skills while going over the report the MGH doctors wrote pertaining to the MRI. Dr. Meeks jabbed (literally) a needle around in my knee to take out fluid and put in cortisone with not much anesthesia. He then went over the MGH report quickly and really ended with no cause or reason for this to have happened or what was really wrong. Most I could get was that a callus had formed over the bone where the new ligament was attached - SIX YEARS ago (so why is it suddenly sore now and supposed to be all better with a little needle jabbing?) The report from the MGH people said stuff like :"linear signal abnormality involving the posterior horn...which may reflect a peripheral tear." "ACL ligament appears thickened with mild abnormal signal" ( I think this is when DR. M said that he put a bigger ligament in on purpose..." "there is laxity throughout the graft..." "there is a tiny Baker's cyst" "peripheral tears of the medial and lateral menisci with possible prior repair"

A lot of big technical words and abnormalities in my opinion for things to be A OK.

sigh... To be honest, it DOES feel better today after that poking. Hope it all goes away as mysteriously as it came.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hands Free

Dylan initiated his OWN practice of standing on his own. No trickery from me at all. I was lying on the floor and the kids were crawling all over me as usual and then Dylan started standing up using my body to help himself up and then let go, stood up the rest of the way and just stood there, proud of himself for 1-3 or so seconds. He kept repeating this over and over. Not long now....

Mother's Day

This was the first mother's day as a mom of two. Ethan cooked the breakfast I requested - buttermilk biscuits, lean pockets and strawberries with Godiva chocolate coffee. Being a mom, I planned this and bought the ingredients the day before and put in my cooking request. I figured it was an easy meal to make and make everyone happy. We went to a playground in the morning and looking for another single light weight stroller. Unsuccessful with the stroller, but Sophia had fun climbing the rock wall all by herself in the playground. I hit Home Depot and spent a bunch of my birthday money on plants (see ). Who would have thought I would WANT to spend b-day money at home depot?!

After lunch I dug in the dirt (not a good idea for my knee, but there were plants to be planted!) Made a new flower bed on the East side of the house and planted more flowers in the front. After the naps I took the kids on a short walk with the jogger, came home and made an easy dinner of chicken nuggets, baked potato and corn on the cob. After dinner we went to Houghton's Pond playground and were accosted by a bunch of kids (around 10?) They were all wanting to play with the kids. Started with Dylan. They kept wanting to play with him - asked a million times to take him down the slide (ok, I don't think I am being over protective by saying no as one of the kids couldn't even land on his feet WITHOUT Dylan on his lap. Another girl kept asking, even asked if I could put him down the slide and she would "catch" him at the bottom. She was also so eager that she practically took him from my fingers to have him walk holding onto her. I like that the kids were interested in our kids, but they were very aggressive and persistent in trying to take them away from us to play with them. Kind of ruined the fun of it for us.

So that was mother's day. Here is a mother's day photo- guess we should have tried at the BEGINNING of the day rather than the end. Best "still" shot we could get.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Third one's a charm

Finally after FOUR months, Dylan sprouted another tooth. Number three popped through today. Wonder how long the others will take after this long break.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Dylan did his longest "stand" today. A really good 5 seconds of no support. I got my fingers loose and he stood there pretty well and sturdy. He tried to look up for me, but still kept his balance. I think he may have lasted a little longer, but I relented and gave him my fingers. Won't be long now before I am chasing after him as he runs out into the street!

On the verge

So, Dylan's third tooth is VERY close to surfacing. At first I thought it HAD poked through, but upon a closer look and feel I noticed there was still a little gum to cut. I guess that explains some of his recent fussy days and interrupted naps.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hungry like the wolf

Yesterday it was like pulling teeth to get Dylan to eat anything. Today at lunch he devoured about two and a half perogies, 3.5oz of this veggie/rice mix by Gerber AND a little bowl of yogurt! I had the yogurt as a back up as our previous meal experiences lately haven't gone so well and that is usually a sure thing. I was going to put it away after he ate all the other stuff and then he shrieked at me so I kept shovelling it in. He must have a second stomach in there somewhere...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Red Light Green Light

Sophia surprised me the other day with her rendition of red light green light. We were in the park and she would shout "TAP (stop)!) "GO!" for me to run and stop to.

I do it/ Mine

Sophia has definitely entered the phase of I do it. From getting in and out of the car, to trying to put on her shoes, carrying things for me...

She is also really taking hold of the word "mine". She will grab toys away from Dylan shouting MINE, however, after a light scolding from mom, she usually relents and gives Dylan a replacement toy. She is quite sweet with him - offers him food and random toys now and then. He still thinks she is a riot, even when she is showering him with Lego pieces or whipping a blanket at him.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Love and war

First the love. Sophia is a great big sister and still loves hugging little man.
Dylan's crib often doubles as a WWF ring. We were able to capture one of these matches on film. No one was hurt during this video and we do not recommend you try this at home. Remember, Dylan is a monkey and he can withstand things normal babies can't.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dylan, the Happy Uke!

Dylan proves he is made of true ukrainian blood. One of his first fav's is Perogies. Made by hand with love by his grandma.

So, I have been able to upload a couple videos, find that if I upload a photo first I have better results. Still trying with "just say no"...

Camera ham/ Gag me with a spoon

Sophia has discovered the camera and that it records pictures... OF HER. Dylan has discovered choking is an effective way to freak mommy out.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Three Little Monkeys

Sorry, blogger really sucks. looking for a new host. Tried AGAIN to upload a DIFFERENT video, same problem. Very frustrated.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Leaps and bounds

As with all his milestones, Mr. DMC is a leaper and bounder. I fed him a lunch of champions today - all beef franks (Hot dog, skinned and cut up in to bits) and Auntie Anne's organic mac n' cheese. He really likes to feed himself. I don't know how to judge very well how much he is eating so I supplemented with about 4oz of yogurt and 3/4 container of baby pear/strawberry/granola puree by Gerber. He was happy to get the yogurt and was even trying to feed himself with a SPOON! I loaded it up and then let him grab it and I helped guide it into his mouth. Meal time isn't getting any neater these days.

On our trip to BJ's Dylan also sat in the front of the cart with Sophia. And like Sophia I bribed him to be good with a chunk of bagel. What happened to my little baby?!

Oh, and you know the America's Funniest Video's clip of the older sibling drawing all over the baby siblings face? Yup, I let Sophia use a pen from my purse to write on an old receipt to keep her occupied (and from crying) in the cart. Turned my head for a second and there it was. Scribbling on Dylan's cheek! Crazy kid - I didn't hear a peep out of him while she did it, and yet when I tried to wipe it off THEN he cries. go figure.

Sorry, no video for "just say no"

How irritating. If this doesn't work this FOURTH time, I give up. stupid blogger won't upload this super cute video of Dylan. I uploaded one in a previous post no problem, same file type, may even have been a bigger file and now this one won't do it. This on top of the stupid font issues I may switch blog servers. Any recommendations??

It's official. This site SUCKS. failed AGAIN. I am trying YOU TUBE and see if I can link it to that. Dylan is REALLY cute... Font is all messed up too. GRRR

Ok, so maybe the file is messed up. It works fine on my computer to watch. I have tried to upload it on you tube and it isn't working there either. I uploaded it to facebook and THEY accepted it. SO, if you are a facebook person, you can add me as a friend and see my video there...

Baby cereal no more?

This morning Dylan has eaten half a toast and a bunch of cheerios. i have gotten a few cereal bites in there, but does this mean he is off the iron enriched cereal? I would think I should know this by now, but feel like a first time parent again. Not knowing anything.
Last night Dylan was Mr. Meat and potatoes. Again, not much baby cereal, ate about 1/8-1/4 of a potato and some hamburger.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just say no

A bunch of stuff...

Our trip to IKEA the other day yeilded this new comforter and matching pillow case. They are for a twin bed and normal sized pillow (not Sophia's "travel" pillow) so I managed to fold the pillowcase to fit the small pillow. They comforter is all tucked in and doubled up in the crib. Sophia is now sleep sack free. She really liked her sleep sack so I am glad she is happy with her new special sleep blanket.
Is it just me, or does Sophia look like a little teenager here?!
Yup, my crawlin' little guy. Wahoo! Still rather sit and cry for me to get him when he is upset rather than crawl on over to me.
The world is his walker. Go little man!

Southern Leanings

I think Dylan is leaning towards being a south paw. I know they say that you don't really know until they are about 3 what hand will be dominant, but i have noticed Dylan has been feeding himself with his left hand. Sophia has been a righty for most of her activities, even at this age, so I think that it is probable that Dylan will follow in his father's footsteps and lead with the left. At least he will have a mentor to get him through life in this right paw dominant society.