Sunday, May 18, 2008


Both of my babies have colds that have hit them hard over night. We started noticing runny noses last night. Then Sophia wouldn't go to sleep and I had to go to her 3 or 4 times. Both kids were awake really early. First rumblings at 4.30 and I managed to keep away until 5.30. Their noses are like leaky faucets with intermittent gushes brought forth by a sneeze or two. Sophia seems to be hit harder, or at least is letting this affect her mood more. Funny how when my kids are sick they want to get up earlier/ go to sleep later. When I am sick all I want to do is sleep and lay in bed. sigh... I am always taken aback when other parents describe their kids when their are sick and say how they sleep more, nap longer, etc... Oh well, I still think our kids are the cutest ever and couldn't love em more if they slept a normal amount.

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