So, there are now 365.25 (approx) days until next Halloween. WHEW! We got a lot of mileage out of this year's Hallows Eve. Started the weekend before at Boo at the Zoo. Then, on Thursday, the kids were suited up again to go to a Halloween party. Friday Sophia got suited up at school for a little parade up the street and back. That afternoon we took advantage of the plethora of leaves on the east side of our house and raked up a big pile to jump in. The kids then napped and when they woke started to get excited for the trick or treating. Well, Sophia was. Pe-pere was here and played with the monkeys in the leaves while I madly carved up our pumpkins which I had COMPLETELY forgot about all afternoon AND made dinner. Dinner was nothing to write home about, but was a factor in my time management. I carved a mini monkey-kin to tie into the kids monkey costumes and a "scary" big pumpkin with horns to tie in with Ethan's horns that he wore for the festivities. I had done bunny-kins for Sophia's bunny costume year and cat-kins last year for her kitty costume. I guess I have started a tradition?
Well, Sophia's mind was fixated on treats all through dinner and couldn't wait to get out there on the streets begging for candy. We tried to wait until it was dark. By 6 it was close enough and we hit our first house across the street. Sophia was SO cute. She would go up to the door, say ding dong, then press the bell. When the door was answered she tooted "trick or treat, please!" I was so proud of her adding that please in there. I never even prompted that! Then as she would leave she would wish the candy giver a happy Halloween and then command us "next house". Dylan caught on pretty quick and would scramble to the next house and dig into the candy bowls. They really were the cutest kids in the neighborhood :) SEVEN pounds (literally) of candy and an hour later we returned to the house and put our sugar junkies to bed. Now I am trying to figure out what to do with 7lbs of candy. I can't stand to hear Sophia asking for it everyday. In addition to the loot we hauled in we have about 7lbs of candy that is left over from our own bowl UGH. Did I mention I joined a gym? HA! yup, el cheapo gym up the street. I wonder why joining gyms after Halloween isn't as big a thing as after Christmas... There is a lot of candy to be had. Visit our shutterfly photo page to see our little monkeys in action.
Anyway, there are a bunch of cute kids things happening each day that I keep forgetting to record. I will do my best now to jot some down...
Dylan and dishes. He is actually becoming helpful when I unload the dishes from the washer (well, when he is not trying to climb in it or close the door on me). Yes, he likes to take out the utensils one by one and hand them to me to put away.
Competitive loving. I love it when one of the kids is in my arms getting snuggles and hugs, etc... and the other will take note and barrel on over and try to get in on the action. Usually this is Dylan coming in from behind and slobbering all over my back, or as of lately, leaving a smear of nose goo.
Spontaneous friendships. We were at Houghton's pond today and in the little visitor's hut. A little girl about Sophia's age came in with her dad and they instantly started laughing and chasing, and oh yes, screaming with each other as though they were best friends. They would run to one bench then the next, laughing and having so much fun. Sophia looked like she was kind of hitting the little girl as she does when she gets excited with Dylan, so I intervened and said not hit, high five! Then they ran around high fiving each other (though their aim left something to be desired).
I know there are more of these fun little things, but my memory is a blank. Could be the sugar, could be this virus - who knows. I will try to record as I remember.
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