Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve Eve

Twas the night before the night before Christmas and no one was stirring, just Sophia hacking away in her sleep. Just in time for Christmas, Sophia has finally caught Dylan's cold. She has done so well until now avoiding the darn thing.
Things seem to be under control at the moment for us. I THINK I am all set with gifts. I did think this yesterday too, though, and then remembered another one I needed to get. I have been LOVING the 4wheel drive in the truck since the snow turned to ice on our street. I feel so empowered. "What's that noise, mommy?" "Oh that't just the neighbor's snow bank [crunching under our truck]" "Vrrrm Vrrrm Vrrrrm!" (Cindy) "rmmmm rmmmm rmmm" (Dylan).

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