Saturday, February 21, 2009


I have been listening to Sophia run, jump and dance her way around the house singing away. She is just amazing and wonderful. Singing all her nursery rhymes, sometimes attempting to sing the real words, other times, just making them up for fun or to describe what she is doing - tippy toeing, etc...

In attempts to grow my hair out, I went out and got my hair cut. Yes, this makes sense to me. I would like it to be one length, and the bottom is growing out in the back and I have felt like I have a mullet. Tried out a new hair dresser. I can't say if I like it or not. Usually have to wait a week or so to see how workable it is and if I can do it myself. So far, I guess it is cute. Dylan was hilarious, though. I normally don't wear my hair straight as it takes too long to do so he doesn't see me like that. Well, I walked in the door and instead of running to me, he stopped at the kitchen stool and just stared. And stared. Not sure how long it was before he blinked. When I did finally pick him up, he wouldn't look at me. HA! So, now it is his turn. Ethan took him to the barber for their first father/son coiffing. My turn to stand and stare.

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