Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A little something to remember him by...
Dylan also turned 2 today. Ok, not technically, however, emotionally, yes. He has become VERY fond of the word no. Not just saying it, but saying it with attitude. His little lip thing that he does seems to have more attitude with it now too. It is as super cute as it can be frustrating.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Oh Happy Day
So, yesterday I did the impossible. I re-sprained/ twisted my ankle WHILE SITTING DOWN. Not sure how it happened, but DO know it hurt a lot. Now the ankle is a lovely green color with a nice splash of red in one little spot. Yay me.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Mama down!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring Fever
Friday, March 13, 2009
Monkey See, Monkey Do
This photo just amuses me. Good thing the cupboard is nailed to the wall...
Sophia never ceases to surprise me. She has a really good memory and remembers the littlest things. I will tell her something before her nap and that will be the first thing she says to me after the nap. Today, for instance, I told her I hope she has a good nap because she is sick and sleep is good for helping you to get better. She woke and first thing she said to me was "I'm not sick anymore, mama!" Even I had to think what she was talking about at first and then remembered our conversation. She is quite good at finding Lamby - in obscure places that she was playing with him last (thank goodness for that!)
New words are coming fast with Dylan. Most are just intonations and mimicking what I say and then never repeated, but tonight he said quite clearly " garlic" as I pointed to it in a book. Ahhh, what a good little Ukrainian!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Baby's growin' up...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Hard Knock Life
We split up the kids late afternoon as we had two birthday party invites. Sophia and Ethan hit Paula's 7th b-day party at a gymnastics club and D and I went to Alba's 1st b-day party here in Quincy. Sophia is still in her shell and has difficulty participating in activities with other kids. I have been feeling guilty about having her in "school" lately as she has been crying when I leave, but then when she is in these situations, I get frustrated as to what I can do to get her more comfortable with other kids. Hmmmm.
Reading to Dylan at night has been fun (more fun) the last couple nights. He has been quite interested in the alphabet. I started by putting his finger on each letter as I sang it. He found this fun and would hold his hand out each time to get me to do it. Then the last couple nights he has been repeating back about half the letters and really seeming to like this exercise. What a little smarty pants!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
You have this one, Dylan
I am now at the end of day 4 of my spring cleaning effort. Was supposed to be one room a day, however, there are many drawers and cupboards in the kitchen and that room is most used. This cleaning thing I am doing involves emptying all drawers, cupboards, etc... and wiping, ridding and reorganizing everything. Unlike most other times when I clean, there are a lot of shoving things here and there to "tidy up" the place. I don't often go around the house to put things where they REALLY belong, hence the junk drawer, can of "stuff" on the island... In my kitchen run through, I found I had a bunch of doubles of things being stored in different areas. Got rid of a lot of stale crackers and what not. The kitchen actually feels a little more decluttered - yay! Two days of it, though. Think I need an easy room next.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Are you gellin'?
After an embarrassing weekend of guests and an extremely messy house, I have decided it was time to start some spring cleaning (despite the foot of snow that was falling). I decided to to one room a day so that it wouldn't feel too overwhelming. I started with the living room as it is the one we "retire" to each night and I was hoping it would make me feel a sense of accomplishment and inspire me to carry on the next day. So far so good...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Lions, Tigers and Bears, oh my!
February was tooth month for Dylan. 4 incisors popped through. Ouch. Maybe he will start sleeping better this month now that they have surfaced. Or not.
Celebrated Ethan's birthday yesterday with me-mere, pe-pere, Jenny and "baby" Erik. I don't think I saw Erik withOUT a smile the whole time. One happy little guy! Sophia and Dylan, on the other hand, have spent most of the morning fighting and crying. Sigh...