Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh Happy Day

It rained all day yesterday. Cold, drizzly, wet, yuck. And yet I ended the day so happy a tear started to form in my eye. Ever since Jenny's wedding I have had a knot in in my stomach every time I thought about the ring my Great Aunt left me. Jenny had mentioned that the bridesmaids could wear diamond earrings with their dresses. I had Ethan go through my drawer before he left to get them. He went through it all and couldn't find them. I thought he just didn't look in the right place. Then, over the past couple of years I have looked through that drawer myself in hopes of finding the ring AND the earrings she gave me for my undergrad graduation. Each time, I would come up short and be sad again. Last night I gave it the ol' college try and there they were! At the bottom, NOT in any sort of box, just floating around. I can't believe I wouldn't have been so careless. Maybe they fell out of a box, who knows. I am just so happy they are found.

So, yesterday I did the impossible. I re-sprained/ twisted my ankle WHILE SITTING DOWN. Not sure how it happened, but DO know it hurt a lot. Now the ankle is a lovely green color with a nice splash of red in one little spot. Yay me.

1 comment:

Gramily said...

Now cut out that ankle twisting behavior, Cindy! You can sit around in your diamonds without having your leg up!