Thursday, July 30, 2009


So, between yesterday and today, the act of cycling has really clicked with Sophia and clicked quite a bit with Dylan. Took the kids to a parking lot/ basketball court near our house with their bikes in between the rain today and they were AMAZING! Sophia no longer appears to have fear of her big girl bike. She would actually speed up coming towards me so that she could brake quickly. She was riding in circles around the courts and doing tight bobby pin turns going from one fenced in court to the next. Dylan too, actually! He was on his two wheel green bike (with training wheels, duh) and though he wasn't able to brake without the use of the fence in front of him and found it more difficult to start peddling sometimes, he exhibited great control, doing that bobby pin turn and following Sophia around. He would get distracted in his fascination of his feet and act of peddling and have to be reminded to look where he was going, but I still think this is all leaps and bounds for both kids. Wahoo! Family bike ride could be in the near future!

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