Thursday, October 8, 2009

How things have changed...

As a teenager and young "adult" I would spend hours in the bathroom. I would primp my hair, dust my face, primp my hair (I have a lot of hair). Now a days I STILL spend hours in the bathroom. This time it is mostly with Dylan inhaling obnoxious fumes. He is the cutest little guy, but MAN his poops smell bad. And he enjoys his time on the pot a little too much. Upon sitting he right away insists on "read book". And we read the same two books over and over while listening to Elmo shout "Great job!" "you did it!" you're growing up, just like Elmo!" His leg is pressed against the button, so these shouts outs are repeated over and over and over. I have found putting a book under hi foot to help move his leg off the button a bit. Anyway, it really is stinky. At least when he was in diapers he would find a corner to discretely do his business and then return to the room, I would get ONE whiff, change him and be done with it. I now spend the money I am saving on diapers on air fresheners.

Oh, here's a shout out to my little Lana. Thanks for reading! Woot Woot!

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