Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bathing suit season

Both Sophia and Dylan start swim lessons this week. Yikes! I have them signed up for the mom and tot classes which means I have to don a swimsuit TOO, two times a week for the next ten weeks. Yay me. I tried to get Sophia in a class last spring and that went rather poorly. Hoping a new year is better.

Took Dylan to an allergist last week. Turns out he is allergic to dust mites, grass, a couple moulds found in nature, mouse (??), and dog. The mites is the biggy. He has had a stuffy nose and itchy eyes for a long time now and I have been at my wits end trying to console him with that. Turns out the mites are most likely the cause of that. SO, I tried to de-dust his room - removed the glider, bought some dust mite covers for his bedding (which is now all crunchy, poor guy) and vacuumed the heck out of his room. I am not a super clean person, so this will be difficult to maintain. I had actually just made that observation about myself before this appointment. How most of the other moms I know seem to have their homes in a constant state of clean, it comes "naturally" to them. I had been trying to raise the bar at home and make sure all eating surfaces are wiped and toys picked up. Quite difficult with three kids (yes, one is rather large). I have also been trying to change Dylan out of his jammies when not in bed and back into them for naps to keep mites to a min. Well, two days after this "program", Dylan gets a massive cold with a major runny nose. GRRRRR, I haven't even been able to see if all my efforts are really working or not. Sigh...

Looking forward to some family visits on the horizon - Ainley drives down this weekend and the rents are coming first week of April.

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