Saturday, June 12, 2010

Early Birthday Party

Seeing as we will be in Winnipeg/ Selkirk/ Lake Manitoba for Dylan's actual birthday, I decided to have an early party to fulfill his wish to have a super duper ginormous truck party. We did the best we could with the trucks and decor, however, the guest list was small. Family only. Bruder made out like a bandit this year. Three ginormous truck, with the big fav from Me-mere and Pe-pere. I was "fearful" of this and requested he open their gift last so that my gift would be opened and not forgotten with the excitement of the BACKHOE LOADER ON A FLAT BED SEMI. Sweet. Dylan also got a pretty cool imaginex boat that Sophia took a shine to as well. The little boat trailer truck is GREAT packing size for our trip this summer. Daddio scored on the car carrier truck. Now the only thing left is to decide who we must sell to make room for all these trucks...

Check out les photos.

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