Monday, October 6, 2008

Change me, I'm yours

Dylan has been so cute with his diapers lately. First it was copying Sophia when she was wearing diapers (many moons ago, haha) he would lay down beside her. Now he requests the changes himself. He was a little stinky a couple weeks ago and I said to him, oooo, stinky, need your diaper changed? Then I went back to my laptop as a good mother does. He went into the dining room, pulled out a diaper and then laid down on the rug. I didn't even realize this right away as I was here, on the laptop. When I looked down, there he was. Then, a little more recently, I was in the kitchen and mentioned to him that I thought he may have pee pees. Again, off to the diaper corner, grabbed a diaper and waited for me in the living room, laying on the rug "in the position". Today, I was walking down the stairs with a pack of baby wipes and the instant he saw this, he ran for a diaper and got "in the position". I love it! I really think he is very intuitive and highly intelligent.

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