Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The good and the bad

I have a few notes to add, some good, some not so good. Lets start with good. It is really fun to watch Sophia and Dylan together and see the little guy imitate all she does. They were in the tub last night and Sophia decided it was a fun game to dip a comb into a cup of water and then comb mine and Dylan's hair. Shortly thereafter, Dylan started dipping and combing my hair too. Then it was just stirring the comb around in the cup of water. Dylan took to this game and kept doing it like it was the most fun one could have. I didn't really get the interest they found in this, but it took some coaxing to tear Dylan away from his cup and get ready for bed.

Another fun thing is how Dylan has started to take to books - FINALLY. I had stopped trying to read stories at bed time for a while as he would mostly just flip the pages, not even looking at what was on them. Now he insists on getting them read to him. Well, one in particular - the large alphabet book I got him. He now points to the pictures and goes through the book one page at a time and will sometimes make noises - quack quack, elephant noise... as we see pictures. He puts his hands on his head for hat, blows his nose when I say nose and touch his face parts at the mouth and nose page.

And now the bad... Not sure what the cause was, but the effect was pretty tiring. I tried for over an hour last night to put Dylan to bed. He was very stuffed up, but he has been this way all week. He would be nice and calm in my arms, but the second I would put him in his crib, would cry "all done" and want up. I laid down with him in his crib for a while and he wrapped his arms around my neck like he did in the hospital. He seemed to be asleep, but did the all done thing when I tried to get out. I ended up getting ready for bed and then decided to just sleep in his crib with him. After a while he was on his back and I did manage to get out without waking him. Then he woke again around midnight and needed me with him. I decided to bring him to our bed even though I haven't had luck with that in the past. He did manage to fall asleep, but was tossing and turning a lot so I tried to move him to his crib again and was relieved to have his stay sleeping. This morning he had a rather large poop that was FILLED with about a handful of undigested peanuts in it. Hmmm. I was feeding him them last night as he wouldn't eat anything for dinner and I thought they would be good protein. So, MAYBE it was the peanuts not passing gently through his system? Or it could be because I took him to the gym for a 40min workout and he was having separation anxiety issues over that? He was not wanting to go down for his am nap this morning - sleeping in my arms, yet cried all done when I tried to get him in his crib. I did manage to get him down, but am not liking this new trend. I DO like the snuggling, but not the dependence on it.

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