Sunday, January 18, 2009

Some days are best not repeated

Has been a long day today. Dylan is in that awkward, to say politely, dropping a nap phase. In addition to this I am suspicious his teeth are on the move again. He woke up fine, late even at 5.40. He was fine for the first couple hours and it was a slippery slope after that. In addition to being tired I think his gums were sore as his cheeks were really red and warm. By 11 he was inconsolable in attempts to keep him happy and interested in something so I had to put him down, reluctantly. The earlier he naps, the more tired he will be come late afternoon. And surprise, surprise, but 5pm he was again on that same slope. By 6 Dylan was starting to say "night night" and was super snugly. I brought him upstairs to s l o w l y get things ready for bath and bed. As I sorted through the baby medicine draw I hear a loud crash in the bathroom and rushed into find Dylan with the cabinet on his lap. The top slid off and hit him in the head. Nice. Yup, great. If he HAS to do this stuff, why can't it be in the morning rather than right before bed when he is already overtired. So now I get to wake him up three times tonight, make him talk and walk and then put him back to bed. Oh, little D...

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