Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pumpin' skippin' and Skiin'
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
oops! Left the knitting machine on again...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Miscelaneous stuff...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
when I am four
Me: Leek soup.
Dylan: Can I smell it? I like that.
Me: would you like to taste it?
Dylan: Only when I'm four. That's when I will like it.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
little things, cont...
Sophia has been super cute in the mornings. First thing she does after waking is choose out an outfit and dresses herself, right down to the socks and comes down stairs. LOVE IT. She does a good job, too, finding things that go together. My little fashionista.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Crazy Dreams, Part 2
I have a feeling this is about our furnace issues and bathroom remodel projects - need to get going, having trouble starting.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tooth dream: Interpretations welcome
Key things of the dream I suppose is the jagged edge of this crumbling tooth, that it kept getting more and more broken off it and the weird house setting.
So, who wants to have a go with this one?
Sunday, October 10, 2010
10-09-2010, Dylan rides his TWO wheel bike sans training wheels
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Needle work recent projects
Here is the link.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Lil' Helper
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Dylan's new bed!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Little Things
I love listening to Sophia playing with her princess dolls, mixed in with Dylan's firefighter dolls and her prince dolls. The story lines are hilarious. There are fires to be rescued from, lots of really loud smooches... One little clip (I think two princesses were talking to each other) "I love your boobies, hee hee" "I love YOUR boobies, hee hee" "Your pink ones and your blue ones"... It isn't all boob talk, though. They go to the doctor, get nasal mist flu medicine, have time outs... You know, a reenactment of our week and then some princess story lines. Her little princess stories are complete with a sound track as she breaks into song as they do in the movies.
Some Dylan stuff: I love seeing the bathroom stool in his room under his light switch - like how he has initiative and is problem solving. Little remnant of his actions. I love hearing Dylan hop out of bed in the morning, truck on the the bathroom, go pee, say "Dibble dibble dob" as I did when showing him to go pee on his own, then quietly coming to our room and hopping in bed for a little snuggle.
I love seeing Sophia's little collections around the house - she has odd assortments in little bags and boxes of dolls, found objects... Not sure what the rationale is as to what goes in, but it is cute.
I love how Dylan can do so much at three already with his mentor, Sophia, encouraging him along. He really likes to be able to do all that she can. He can undress and then choose his clothes and put them on all on his own. He puts on his shoes (most of the time on the right feet) all on his own, and he can even go down the fire pole in the playground ALL by himself!
I love listening to the kids play hide and seek (a daily activity these days). Dylan can already count to ten! He usually gets it right, however, he gets mixed up and I hear him shouting 1,2,3,4,6,8,4,5,6,9,10,4,6,7,8,9 Watch out, here I come!
Phew! Glad I got those down.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Good days and bad days
Oh, you would like me to elaborate? Ok, so here we go...
Yesterday was "open enrollment letter day". I had to get to the Quincy school board bright and early to get my letter in to try get Sophia at the top of the list to go to a different school than the one in our district. I got there at 7.30am. I was rushing and a little irritated that I didn't get there a little earlier (7?). I was surprised there was no line as they told me each year parents line up early to get their letter at the top of the pile. I THOUGHT they opened at 9 and that the person in charge would be there at 8, so with two little kids in tow, I thought 7am would be about as early as I could sit "in line" with them. The thunderclouds were literally forming over our heads and were aptly a true omen. After parking in the $7 T parking lot, I rushed upstairs surprised to find all the doors unlocked and no line. I went right into the office to see there were already 10 people's names on the list at BOTH schools I had letters to try get Sophia into. NOT GOOD. The lady said there was already a line at 6am when she got there. I was so stressed. I thought, gee, I would have suffered through 6am if I knew. Heck, we wouldn't even have had to wait long, just pop our letter into her hand. I had a really rough time thinking about how we are going to have to move as I find it hard to swallow paying for private school in kindergarten. Even harder to swallow having Sophia attend the school in our district. Then it was orientation day at school and BOTH kids were like glue on me. I was so irritable about the school letter thing that their glueiness was extra hard to take. They were literally the only ones that were clinging to their parents. And that was yesterday.
Today, was Sophia's orientation day. Still glue, but not as bad. As she was with her class for an hour, the parents were sent to another room to wait (???). I had a chance to talk to a couple other moms and found out they, too, attended letter day at the school board. One mom said her husband was there at 4.15AM. yes. AM. and he was FOURTH in line! The first people spent the WHOLE night there - 11pm the night before. CRAZY. I started to feel less bad about not getting there by 6am, as that would not have made a difference. Then I overheard her mention something about "no child left behind" law that allows you to insist on your child not attend certain schools. I need more info on this, however, it gave me great hope and I feel better about my options. Though it won't guarantee me into the schools I really want, it might keep Sophia out of the bottom three. So, that was good. We then came home, kids ATE their lunch all up - wahoo! That is really good with our track record. Went out to play for an hour in the yard before nap. About 12.50 a "guy" comes walking up the street. He seemed "suspicious", so I had my eye on him. Then he tells Sophia (who was wearing her flip flops) that she needs to go get shoes on so she doesn't hurt her feet. I don't say anything, just wait for him to keep walking. Then I see him starting to walk up the driveway and I tell him I have things under control and he doesn't need to talk to my kids. "He says sorry, I see you are worried, I'm not a pedophile." Great. I thought he was gone, but then 10 minutes later, he comes walking back and I see him sit on our step at the sidewalk. I hurry the kids in the house and hope he leaves. After locking the front door I see him standing up and obviously requiring great effort to not fall over. At that point, I was kind of hoping he would so I could call the police and have him taken away from our house. He regained balance and then I see him walking up the driveway again, look into the garage, take off his jacket, hang it on the fence... Ok, I started freaking out. I have troubles even lock that side door without my key. So, I do in fact call the police. It felt like FOREVER for them to arrive. Not that I thought I couldn't take him - I am sure I could have just pushed him over and he would have fallen, but I didn't want it to come to that. Sweat was literally rolling down my back. They finally arrived and spoke to him. And then I felt bad. He was definitely on something, however, I started to feel really sorry for him. They asked him if he was on medication or had any needles on him. He was telling them he was diabetic and that he had some pills for anxiety and some other stuff. They asked where he lived. worked and he said with his parents and he was on disability. The more I heard the worse I felt. The officer kept coming over to me and his attitude made me feel even worse for the guy stumbling around our yard. He called him a freak, was definitely using, had issues, etc... I, however, saw that he was more harmless and in need of help. If the kids were not in the yard and if I had more control over the LOCKS in our house, perhaps I would not have reacted with such fear. Just goes to show, you never know the real story. I guess I don't regret calling the police as I was looking out for the safety of the kids and I. He was acting drunk and didn't heed my request to not come in the yard. And he was literally INSIDE our garage when I placed the call. It was the officers job to see if we "needed saving", however, I think they should have realized after questioning that he wasn't up to no good. I feel like a magnet for these kinds of people lately. There is a "wandering girl" who keeps coming into our yard. She lives in the neighborhood, and again, not harmful, just not wanted around. She keeps telling the kids they should do this and that, giving her expert advise on stuff (she watches nanny 911, after all). I have no reason to ask her to leave other than that I am uncomfortable with her around. And that would be rude. Then at the grocery store this old guy, tells me I need to tell Dylan to sit down (he was standing in the basket of the cart ready to scan my next item.). I let him stand while we were not moving and would ask him to sit when on the move. I didn't feel the need to explain all this, and just said that I have it under control. Well, that was not good enough for the old guy. He went on (and on) about how he saw a kid crack his head open falling out of a cart. I tried my best to ignore him, finished our scans, asked Dylan to sit and moved on. So this day that started to climb to a good day, had to crash. And now as I sit, those clouds are once again beginning to loom outside. Literally.
Friday, September 3, 2010
When I turn 5
Monday, August 23, 2010
Right back at-ch'ya
Part of the bed ritual is going pee before climbing into the tub. Sometimes the kids will have one a little but earlier than the tub starting, so I will ask them to try anyway.. I didn't realize it, however, today Dylan said back to me what I ask him to do before we head out or go pee when he doesn't think he has to. I ask him to empty the tank. So funny to see him upstairs before tub and have him tell me he is going to empty the tank. I seriously had to think about what he meant and was saying. He is such a cutie with his potty talk. We were reading Mr. Brown Can Moo for a while and on the rain page, they say dibble dibble dop. SOOOO, in order to get him to shake off the dribbles I would say dibble dibble dop when he is to shake or dab with TP. I smile every time I hear him go pee on his own and he says dibble dibble dop as he finishes.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Gearing up for School
So, I have been looking at tiles and thinking about my upcoming house projects when the kids are BOTH in school for at least three mornings a week. Wow. 4 hours, three times a week. THat's like, TWELVE HOURS! PER WEEK. ok, more like 3hours three times a week when you include drop-off and pick up. Still 9 more hours than I have had previously.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Cottage country, Canada July 2010
Let's see... the beginning. Ahhh, yes. The first few days it was just our crew and my parents and my mom's brother, Calvin and his wife, Darlene. Many evenings of cards and days on the beach. Sophia had a hard time exchanging her Knitting Dresses for a bathing suit (even though the one I found for her is UBER DUPER CUTE). Dylan would walk around the shore in an inner tube, parking it on the beach and then re-launching it. He only dunked his head once under water the whole trip, and lets just say it was a shock to us all (and quite accidental). Note to self, Dylan, when submerged under water, stand up immediately and close your mouth and eyes while under water. Talk about a scare!
Ainley and her crew arrived next and we all went up to Cooks Creek for Sophie and Peter Oleksuk's internment. The mosquitoes were TERRIBLE the first couple weeks and were unfortunate to be present for the internment. Shed some tears, shared some memories and took comfort in family.
The rest of the vacation was at the cottage with brief trips back to Selkirk every week for mad laundry loads, gardening duties (mmm, raspberries, carrots, beans, lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers...) The monsoon from the previous months were hard on the garden and Tomatoes and potatoes are not coming up.
The first couple weeks were pretty rough on Dylan - poor little guy was eaten to bits by mosquitoes - literally head to toe. luckily after that there was a mysterious fish fly invasion for a couple nights and then the mosquitoes were quite tolerable (so long as you stayed out of the trees and shade which my dear Dylan seemed strangely attracted to...)
The boys next door - Carson and Chase were a big hit with all the kids. Carson was especially nice and looked out for the younger ones and tried to include them in their games. Sophia and Dylan are still asking for the boys.
Most of the fun for Dylan involved running up and down the beach (about a million times) sometimes with a truck and sometimes without. The winds picked up the last couple days and he was very entertaining with his crazy dance on the beach. Sophia remained more of a land lover most of the time, however, turned around the last week and became are real water baby. Now she keeps looking for chances to dunk her head in the water and practices every night at bath.
The last couple weeks my back started acting up and would go from intolerable pain to tolerable. My stroller tire was going flat everyday, so that had me worried for my trip home and changing planes on my own with the kids. Luckily the pain bounced back to tolerable the day of travel and my new tire arrived two days before departure. I have to say I was NOT happy with Delta in my travels as the flight crew were pretty rude and snooty as well as completely unhelpful at the terminal where I had to change planes. Was not too pleased either to find that the two bags that I paid $50 for as checked luggage AND both car seats did NOT come home with us. After running with four carry-ons, two kids packed in a stroller whose wheel was not properly inflated and was bulging at the side and all wobbly to catch my connection we sat on the plane at the gate for at least 40 minutes and the bags STILL didn't make it??!! grrr. It had been a good 3 hours or so since we could last use the bathroom and Sophia had to go pretty bad after getting on the plane. The flight attendant was so rude in our exchange to let her use the bathroom. Made it sound like we were going to be causing the plane to me late to depart. Well, Sophia got her poop out in record speed and then we sat on at the gate for that 40+ minutes. grrrr. anyway, not a great return story, however a good vacation was had. Gains: S&D were sleeping later in the morning (yay me), they learned how fun it is to play with others and each other and they got more used to and started ENJOYING the water. yippy! Now, enjoy some photos!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
4 out of 5
Friday, June 18, 2010
Missed a spot
I have been pleased with my running efforts as of late. I have been able to get out there every day for over a month now. Runs are between 3 and 4 miles typically with an occasional longer one. I have been irritated that it is so hard to time myself on runs with my sweep hand watch and estimating how much time I sit at red lights. Soooooo, I bought myself a stop watch. HA! I love it. Still have to work out the kinks - best way to hold onto it and the stroller, get the start stop more readily pressed, etc... I have timed two runs so far. Not improving my speed as the second took 1.5 min longer than the previous days' run of that route. But it is fun and amusing to me none the less.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Early Birthday Party
Check out les photos.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Accidental Gardener
So, it appears as though I have unintentionally planted me some cucumbers. I am pretty sure these "weeds" are cukes. I used my compost for the first time ever, scattering bits around the beds. This weed seems to be popping up EVERYWHERE. At first I was yanking them. Now? I have decided to let them grow and see what they end up as. If they are in fact, cukes, they are far bigger and more healthy than the ones I planted ON PURPOSE last year.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
trucks vs princesses
Belle - Brunette, yellow dress, Maurice is her father, both captured by beast at one point or another
Sleeping Beauty - blond, pink dress (though there was some disagreement among her fairy godmothers whether it should be blue or pink. AKA Princess Aurora and Briar Rose. Bonus info: three fairy godmothers' names are Fauna, Merryweather and flora (their dresses are green, blue and pink respectively)
Jasmine - teal jumpsuit, black hair, married to Aladdin ("prince" Ali)
Ariel - Mermaid, in love with Prince Eric, red hair
Cinderella - Blue dress, blond, with Prince Philip(?)
Princess Tiana - Dark hair, green dress
Snow White - ate apple, fell asleep, only short haired princess, black hair, red, yellow and blue dress
Articulated truck: Had a "blade" to push load off long dump truck part
Hydraulic Excavator - Caterpillar wheels, rotating middle part with digger scoop
Wheel loader - wheels are "two daddies tall", large loader shovel in front
Backhoe loader - shovel in front, digger bucket behind
Mini-excavator - Small bucket in front, I believe can support the weight of 5 small cars, many attachments include drill, jackhammer...
motor grader - for road making, can also have snow plow attachment
Mining truck - big daddy of all dump trucks
Skid Steer Loader - wheeled small loader truck
Bulldozer - Shovel is 9feet tall, Caterpillar wheels.
Well, I guess that is as much as i can remember for now. Not bad :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
As cars are to dolls
On a different note, I was pleased my own activities this afternoon. Hit the outlets in Wrentham and managed to pick up my "list" of summer clothes I was hoping to acquire for hanging at the beach and around town with the kids. Managed to keep withing the birthday money budget and tell myself NO unless it was a perfect fit. Plus I got to drive the beamer really fast. The AC in it was a super awesome bonus to boot.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
whoops a doodle
Buckle you, Buck-a-roo!
Look where you are going, not where you have been.
Can't cook it cold.
Songs I sing regularly:
Going in the beep beep, going in the beep beep, going in the beep beep yeah! (heading out)
Home diddy home diddy home home home home, home diddy home diddy, home home home home. Home diddy home diddy home home home home, we are go-ing home home home. Mamma, Sophia a-and Dylan, mamma, Sophia a-and Dylan, momma, Sophia a-and Dylan. We are going home home home (cute to hear the kids sing this to me now).
I know there must be more, I will have to have to come back to this entry.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Month of May
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thank Heaven for Little Boys
Had a pretty good week. Made it 6 out of 7 days in a row with exercise. Wahoo! The max was on Thursdays when I boycotted our stinky car (literally stinky and literally something has crawled up and died "somewhere"). I took the kids into Boston via train. Was 1.7mi to the T station, then a half hour ride into town. got off and had a brief stop at first playground until too many kids started taking over. Then we were off to the destination playground on the Charles river. I wasn't entirely sure where it was, but knew it was somewhat close to the Arlington bridge. Kids were in the stroller and when we got to the foot bridge, all I had to say was "Dylan, look, ramp!" and he was out of the stroller raring to go and run. He had fun on all the little bridges along the Charles as we searched (in the wrong direction) for the playground. After a while I decided to head the other way and we finally arrived (2.5 miles later) and our destination playground. We noticed squirrels rummaging through all the strollers there looking for food, but were not deterred from our stay... until Sophia tripped over my foot 5 minutes later and scraped her knee. Not bad, but did draw blood and the ground looked a little dirty. I cleaned it out with water and a Kleenex and was trying to convince her to stay and have lunch before deciding to go. Well, that darned squirrel had to land on OUR stroller and that was it. Game over. Sophia would NOT stay any longer. Sigh. 2 hours to get there, 5 minutes there, and an hour to get home. 6.5 miles logged.
Looks like this week will be a scorcher - 30+ degrees (C) for a few days. Hello summer.
So, I am also in the midst of knitting another dress for Sophia seeing as the first has been such a hit with her. I am not having good vibes from this one. Was knitting for a week and wasn't happy with it and started over. I am happier with this attempt, but still not thrilled with the pattern. I have altered the pattern a bit on the skirt and bought some bling to add when I am done knitting. We'll see...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Two wheels. That's it.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's day/ Birthday 2010
Anyhoooo, so I was able to get to Home Depot and use my gift cards on some rose bushes, marigolds and hostas that were planted about the house and yard. Very impressed that I even used my compost bin goo for the first time EVER. We shall see how that goes... I didn't plant the roses yet, as I think I will go the added mile and get some humus as I haven't had much luck with roses before and want to give these ones a better chance. I got a run in and a whole lotta goodies devoured. Not a bad day indeed.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Self Portrtait
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I am continuously amused finding Sophia's bags and boxes around the house. She like to tote along little parcels filled with miscellaneous objects be they pretend food from her kitchen, peppered with a few princess dolls, tiny shoe, ribbon... They are so randomly put together, yet she love to put them in whatever little bag or box is around and have that as her little stash for the hour.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Ok, now to the pet topic. This has come up a few times. Sophia wants a dog. I told her that Dylan is allergic and besides, she is afraid of every dog she sees. That's ok, mommy, I won't be. I promise. Then I tell her that I am not ready for all the work involved - daily walks, feeding, cost of vet bills... and then there is potty training and picking up their poop. Dylan became interested here and told me he would help with potty training. He said "I turn on the poo poo fan" for him. So cute. He is very adamant about the use of said fan.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Boat day
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hi, YOU.
Alas, I copied and pasted said text in another document and will toggle back and forth to re-type it here. Love ya, blogger.
Yay! Someone took my poll! Everyday, eh? I apologise for not blogging more frequently. I am now in between knitting projects AND I have the polls open so there is extra time and motivation for me to drop in more frequently. If you don't want to add your name to the followers list, how about giving me clues as to who you are in the comments section at the end of the entry. I love a good mystery game :) So, here are a couple pic's of the kids that I think are hilarious. I was in another country while the kids were atop the counter, by the way. Good ol' dad...
What else is new? Started a lawn project. Had a little help getting started, ahem, Bob. Trying 1/4 of the lawn to see how she goes. Laid down 25 bags of dirt, added fertilizer and seed and water and got my fingers crossed. Weather has been good for planting - cool and wet without being overly wet. Please grow! Bought a few more plants for the side of the house and along the front. Funny how quickly Home Depot can suck up $75 out of your wallet. Like a HOOVER.
We are experiencing a resurgence of princess days here at the ol' homestead. Sophia has started wearing her dress up dresses and that has roused Dylan's interest in them too. At least his favorite is the blue one. I am going to share the rest of the photos via PICASA here. Have a look see :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Polls are open
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
School Vacation = Mamma overtime, double time, on the double
Monday, April 19, 2010
Princess Overload
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Hollow leg
I have to tell you something...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
First Tackle
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Oh so litteral
Ok, so that little gem took me about 4 days to write down. Kind of why I haven't been writing here so much. These little things happen all the time, or I think of something, but the computer isn't handy. Then when it IS handy, I can't remember what it was that was so clever, cute or worthy or recording.
Happy spring!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Bathing suit season
Took Dylan to an allergist last week. Turns out he is allergic to dust mites, grass, a couple moulds found in nature, mouse (??), and dog. The mites is the biggy. He has had a stuffy nose and itchy eyes for a long time now and I have been at my wits end trying to console him with that. Turns out the mites are most likely the cause of that. SO, I tried to de-dust his room - removed the glider, bought some dust mite covers for his bedding (which is now all crunchy, poor guy) and vacuumed the heck out of his room. I am not a super clean person, so this will be difficult to maintain. I had actually just made that observation about myself before this appointment. How most of the other moms I know seem to have their homes in a constant state of clean, it comes "naturally" to them. I had been trying to raise the bar at home and make sure all eating surfaces are wiped and toys picked up. Quite difficult with three kids (yes, one is rather large). I have also been trying to change Dylan out of his jammies when not in bed and back into them for naps to keep mites to a min. Well, two days after this "program", Dylan gets a massive cold with a major runny nose. GRRRRR, I haven't even been able to see if all my efforts are really working or not. Sigh...
Looking forward to some family visits on the horizon - Ainley drives down this weekend and the rents are coming first week of April.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Bathroom Humor
Dylan is now a full fledged potty goer - will do #1 completely on his own and #2 he can do except the wipe.
Like Sophia, he sometimes asks me to leave while he poops "because it is going to get stinky". Last night's comment was priceless, though. "I have to make pee pees and poo poos and toots in the toilet." And that he did... For 25 minutes!
Got my second migraine ever. First happened a week before our wedding and my vision was all blurred and I couldn't read. Then I got a mild headache. This time I was in the grocery store with Dylan and the eye thing happened (looked it up online - thought it was an ocular migraine, however, it think now that was the "aura" preceding the headache) and then as I was driving, the headache set in. Still had to get Sophia and hit one ore grocery store. not pretty. Hope these things do not become a regular thing. Head is still "sensitive".
Liking the new range. Have been trying out meats. My slow cooked roast turned out so amazing and my chicken on the bone (drum sticks, thighs and breast) have been super moist. I made Ethan's cake in there and some SUPER yummy muffins.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
New Range, Week 1
Double batch sugar cookies
Chocolate chip cookies (two sheets at the same time)
Roast beef cooked WHILE roasting potatoes in the drawer below
Chicken soup
Frying pan dinner, AKA American chop suey
Hamburger and hot dog buns
Roasted chicken parts
Hot dogs. heheh.
So, I have used the probe a couple times. Doesn't have my confidence. The roast turned out super, Sophia DID have four slices, after all, however, the probe was about 10 off from my instant read one. The probe was reading higher than the thermometer. I think the thermometer was more accurate as the roast looked pretty dead on for 135 that the instant read one told me. Still working out the kinks, however, Sophia gave me all the encouragement I need when whe told me "Thank you for the nice dinner" today. Awwwwe...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Picasa Web Album photos available
Fully potty trained at 2.7
Saturday, February 6, 2010
You get what you get and you don't get upset
Speaking of Sophia, she is so great to listen to playing. She has really been into make believe and reenacts the movies (princess ones, of course). She is very dramatic - intonations of her voice, definitely acting out a part. She pretends she is one of the princesses and I can pick up actual parts of the movies. One in particular that stands out to her is in The Little Mermaid, I think. I remember the part about the seagull trying to listen to prince Erik's heart. He, of course, thinks you can here it in the foot, but that is beside the point. Sophia keeps talking about a "beating heart" in her play. Maybe there is another heart part in another movie, where ever it is from, it is pretty cute.
Dylan is in the throws of Candy Pop Lane (candy land). He asks to play it a hundred times a day. He doesn't care about moving on the board, winning or losing. he just like picking the cards and gets so excited about the colors he gets. Pretty funny (if you can get past the fact that you have just played 8 games that morning).
I am getting pretty irritated with my bugs. I have been sick for over two weeks now and I think there has not been one pain reliever free day for over two weeks. The head aches are terrible and this latest phase of junk in my lungs/ cough is not helping that. PLEASE, bugs, TAKE A HIKE. Party is OVER.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Cindy Clark! Come on Down! You have won a NEW RANGE!
Living in the Moment
First off is Sophia. She sauntered into the bathroom this morning, topless and hand on hip telling me "I'm sweating hot, mama. I was building this huge tower and got sweating hot so I took my shirt off". Her hip jutted out and hand on the other was priceless.
Dylan has this little gem that is ongoing. He keeps asking to play "Candy Pop Lane". AKA Candy Land. It sounds SO cute that it usually gets me in a couple games with him. When extreme boredom with the game sets in I tell him "That's it! :)" he puts the game away and comes back with an even MORE dreaded game - the literally never ending "Chutes and Ladders". UGH! Just when you think you are almost at the end, WHAM, another chute. SHOOT! game goes on forever. I have thought it was cute that Dylan has shown such an interest in games (even if it mostly to pick the cards from the pile and spin the little dial).
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Another step ahead
The other first is his story reading level. Ok, I am reading, DUH, but his attention span and books being read has skyrocketed. I think it may have to do with him being sick and too tired to care as much, but we have been reading really LONG books - beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and the Lion King. They are so long that we read for about 15 minutes, put in the book mark and start up again the next day. These books have some pretty big words in them too which I am sure he doesn't understand, but he still listens and seems content.
I was very impressed with Sophia today and her first day of gymnastics. She didn't make a big deal about saying bye to me (I went over to her for fear she would cry and she didn't even pay attention to me). I went to the upstairs viewing area and she only looked up a few times to wave. She listened very well to the teachers and had a lot of fun with the activities. She did VERY well with the backwards somersaults. Yay S!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Answering service
Dylan has a newbie too. He finally likes a veggie! Turns out to be broccoli. All of a sudden he has been wanting it and eating it first off his plate. We have only had it a few times in the past couple weeks, but that is great for me as he has not been one to eat ANY veggies until now.
Speaking of little D. He has a weird bug right now. Throwing up. No fever, or other symptoms. Was tired the first day of this. Low appetite yesterday, however, kept the little he ate down. Has had fun and been happy in between bouts. Was a little sluggish but not much to notice. Then we went to dinner after a b-day party and he started throwing up again! Poor little D. Hope he is ok tonight...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sophia at 4
New year started here in Quincy. Got back from Los Gatos on New Years Eve. Stayed up until midnight (probably the first in a long time. Was easy as it was only 9pm in CA time).
Made it through our first week home. I just finished Sophia's sweater, complete with bling. I have a feeling, however, she will not like it as much as Dylan likes to wear the one I made him. I am fairly pleased with it though. I think adding a few more rows onto the hood would make it more wearable and I am not really happy with the zipper insertion (not very neatly done. I think a combo of not doing it before and my impatience to get the sweater done are behind that). I also think there is a little too much bling. I may take off the flower buttons I added to the neck area.
So,I underwent the knife yesterday. Had a little more "mole" removed. Two things were unexpected there. First, that I would be off from the gym for a whole month! (Off for two weeks while first biopsy heals and then I have a second one the same day those stitches come out and will have two weeks off for that). I was really enjoying going regularly, especially after running everyday in CA. Dylan has been asking to go with me and I hope that he will not lose his zeal for the gym after not going for a long time. Second surprise was just how big the slice and dice was for the biopsy. I was expecting a little cut with about 2 stitches. Took the bandage off and there were SEVEN! Ugh, no wonder there has been... discomfort.
And now, dun-da-dadahhhhh! Here are the long awaited photos from December and January.