Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dylan counts to THREE!

Dylan was trying to climb up the side of the front steps (garbed in a diaper only) and I told him to get down. I decided to try the "1 2 3" thing described to me this weekend and I told him I would count to three. I said ONE and then HE said ooo (two) eeee (three). He is really quite advanced :) I have already mentioned his advanced "jump" move - being able to get both feet off the ground at the same time already. Well he upped the ante on that one and jumped off the third step of our little slide on the lawn and landed on his feet. He also is getting quite good at throwing rocks in an overhand motion. A skill my "baby center" update thing-y tells me is mastered at a much later age.

So those were the highlights of my day. Things involving myself were less than stellar. First I started with getting into someone elses car after buying groceries. I was reading my receipt and clicking the lock on my key chain at the same time and not really paying attention to the car. It just so happened the door was UNLOCKED, so I didn't even realize anything was wrong until I was INSIDE. I sat down and first noticed that the seat was really far up and was trying to figure out how that happened. Then I noticed that the seats were more firm and covered in fabric, not leather. It then took me about 5 more seconds to put it all together and realize I just sat in someone elses car! I immediately got out and hurried to my car two cars away. YEESH!

Then I went to the paint store to pick out some house paint colors and stopped and DD on the way. I got my iced coffee and felt the car keys were pretty light. I was almost at the car when I realize the car key fell off the chain! I traced my steps back to the store and again back to the car. I finally realized that I could still open the car with the unlock button and found the missing key all the way over on the passenger seat.

My third mishap was minor - forgot to put the eggs into my banana loaf and had to take it out of the oven after being in there a few minutes and stir them in. Not a disaster, but not great. I think I might be getting TOO much sleep now adays, haha. Dylan has gone 4 for 4 now and slept as late as 6.30! Go D!

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