Friday, June 12, 2009

Rainy day shopping spree

The rains couldn't hold me back today! Took advantage of "the babysitter" and got to buy groceries in the morning without kids jumping in and out of the cart and asking for treats the whole time. Then I was able to finally hit the Wrenthum Outlets and do some serious shopping and damage to the ol' credit card. I left after getting Dylan down for his nap and flew to the outlets. I made out SO well in Gymboree with all the sale merchandise. I paid about $4 or $5 for most items. The raincoat was a STEEL - $4.27 HA! They mix and match VERY well too. Yay, me!

So, we have had a strange thing happen in our house this past week. Dylan has slept in past FIVE! He made it past 5.30 even. THREE TIMES. Today was the latest yet at 6.15. Wahoo. He was coughing for about an hour between 3.45am and 4.45, though. He didn't make any other sounds and I lay there praying for him not to be sick and to please please please not wake up completely.

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