Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A star is (re)born

I was at my sister's place in Ottawa this past weekend (full post on that later) and was going through the box of Dylan's old clothes for the THIRD time. Re-folding and re-sorting them. Strolling back through memory lane.... Well, third time's a charm they say. I was folding a little jumper and felt something hard. Hmmmm, what could that be? There was a little pocket and inside this pocket was the missing PURPLE STAR from our shape puzzle. My spring cleaning this year was in part brought on in attempt to FIND this star. I had been bothered by it's disappearance. I mentioned this to Ethan as it was a little difficult for hands of a 1 and 2 year old to stuff in there and he smiled and said it sounded familiar. Sigh.... At least my puzzle is once again complete :)

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