Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New and Different (and yes, fun)

So, there are a few fun little things going on with So and Dyl.

First, diaper changes. Lately seems like I am changing both kids at the same time - rushing out of the house after Dylan's nap and wanting them both to be dry. I get Sophia to lay on the rug in front of me and over the past couple weeks Dylan sees this and lays down beside her, and waits his turn without even being asked. Then TODAY, I didn't even need to change Sophia and waved a diaper in front of Dylan and he immediately laid down and waited for the change to occur!

Second, new dance partner. Dylan has started to feel the music. Sophia was dancing around and I started stomping my feet and dancing with her and the Dylan got in on the action, moving his little feet like crazy. Then downstairs, Sophia turned on the recorded music on the piano and started dancing. Dylan got right in there with her. I managed to grab the camera, but can't find the download cord. Hope to get that uploaded here...

Third, down low. I was reading Sophia her stories tonight and she wanted of all things, to read about snowmen. I was explaining the difference between hot and cold (she keeps reversing them) after her bath and said that ice cream and snow men are cold, hence her wanting the snowmen story). I found the Christmas book about the snowman's jubilee and got to a page that had them High-Fiving. She perked up on this as wanted to high five me, so we did and then she said, "down low". HA! I haven't said that to her in ages and only on the swing. What a smart little cookie!

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