It was a hectic day, yesterday. I hit Target to get some sheets and a bedrail (yes, that hideous thing hanging from the side below) and a bunch of toys and things to keep the kids amused on the 3 hour plane trip coming up this week. I was pleased at the pump when I gassed up at the stop and shop station using my S&S card. I paid $3.49. Who would have thought I would be so excited about paying "so little". Compared to the $4.09 it is a steal these days I guess. So, after getting home we had lunch, kids had naps.... After Sophia's nap Ethan started assembling her bed. We found out that the crib fits in the room with it, so we decided to keep it there "in case". We were still getting things together when I looked at my watch and found out it was 3.50. The little birthday party at Gymboree was at 4pm! Sophia was a mess, I had to change her, wash her face and brush her hair. I had to get the diaper bag ready, decided against caring what I looked like. Ethan got the seats back up in the car and clicked in the car seats and we made it to Gymboree by 4.10. Not bad! The birthday party went until 5.30 and they didn't have any dinner so we decided to order Sushi after the kids were in bed and I fed the kids left over pizza I made the other night. Then the moment of truth.... How would Sophia do in her new bed? I was pleasantly surprised that we only had one false start. Sophia was tucked in and we were sitting down to eat and I heard her coming down the stairs. Ethan brought her back to bed and read her another story and though we did hear her upstairs for a little while, she didn't get out again until 4.45am. I heard her pitter patter of her little feet and brought her to bed with us where she sat quietly for about 15 minutes and then moved around until 5.30 when Ethan brought her downstairs.We are pleased with the bed, though I wish that bedrail was not so, well, ugly. Nice that it easily flips up and down I guess. Four more sleeps until Winnipeg!![](
I finally convinced Ethan to go to Jordan's with me yesterday to decide on a bed for Sophia once and for all. I had narrowed it down to three but knew there was really only one he would consider. And we walked away with that one on order. We moved over to the mattress department and were pretty easily talked into a $350 mattress. I wasn't up for the challenge of looking at 50 stores dealing with 50 sales people telling us why their mattress is better than the other guy's. I know we could have just bought a $100 (or less even) mattress and it would have been "good enough". Heck, WE didn't have such nice mattress' as kids. We spend more on Sophia's bed frame than we even spent on our own queen frame. It will all be worth it sitting on her bed and leaning back on the nice solid headboard, reading Sophia stories all snuggled into our side. ahhhh. Reality: she will reject the bed and come into our room all night and at expect to get up at 4am.
So, In the spirit of Dylan's birthday numbers 7, 7,07, he decided to push through tooth number...7! I noticed Mr. Power teether had a new tooth this morning after a cranky start and short AM nap. I started "digging for answers" and found my pearly white.
I wish I had one on on speed dial today. Whew! Has been a morning from down under and I am not talking Australia. Dylan woke up with a "thorn" in his bum. After his nap he was fine, however, it was Sophia's turn to test mommy's patience (not very good, apparently). We went to Hingham to get Dylan his first over priced hair cut. I packed a snack for the kids at the hair place to keep them entertained. Sophia saw the container and started crying for "tack" (snack). I told her they were for the hair place and she could have them there. That wasn't good enough and she started her melt down. I gave her one and told her the rest were for there. That didn't keep the peace very long. She screamed the whole way there. Dylan got his hair cut, cried through it. The razor was a little frightening. Went to whole foods to get lunch and a glass milk bottle and Sophia was pretty close the whole time of losing it again if she didn't get her way. Letting her push the stroller was tricky. Even almost lost Dylan - literally. He wasn't buckled in and when I regained control of the stroller I wasn't looking down and couldn't figure out why it was hard to push the stroller. I looked down and saw Dylan was sliding out the front and his legs were "slowing me down". Ugh. Got home and did lunch (not everyone ate, ahem, Sophia). Went outside for a bit before nap time and Sophia started in on a third meltdown and I called it quits for her and put her to bed. I am wiped.
This weekend was pretty tiring for me. Quite unexpectedly so too. Started out Saturday morning and I decided to head to the book store during Dylan's nap to look at hair magazines for my afternoon's appointment to chop it all off. Got back home with about 6 photos loaded onto my phone and started the laundry. House was a mess, but I didn't have time to do anything about it as we headed to Toy R Us when Dylan woke up and bought yet another stroller and Dylan's birthday gift. I whipped up a lunch, put Dylan down for his nap (didn't go down easy) and went off to my hair appointment. The girl was very nice and didn't shy away from cutting my hair off even though I hadn't been to her before. I guess the cut is OK. Ethan likes it, I think it is either too long or too short in front. It is an awkward length where it is always in my eyes so it needs to be either shorter or longer to work. We'll see... All I have to say for now is MAN, is my hair curly. yikes.Bob and Jackie were over by the time I got home and then Ethan and I went for a hike together. Got home in time to get dinner started and had a little later than normal dinner. Kids were "on edge" but we survived. I put Dylan down while Sophia had a blast in the tub with Me-mere. I put Dylan down and he was not happy. I went to him soon after and though he wasn't crying hard, I wanted him to go down more calmly. I thought his 6th tooth on the move could be hurting him, so I gave him Motrin. He was doing a very irregular breathing thing that kids often do after crying - a sob breath. Well, after 20 minutes he was STILL breathing like this. I was holding him and he was even falling back asleep in my arms and breathing like that. I was getting more nervous and called in second opinions and eventually the pediatrician as he really hadn't cried hard enough to warrant such irregular breathing. After an hour we (I) made the call to take him to the ER at South Shore Plaza based on the recommendation of the nurse on call that I was talking to. We suspected he would be fine, but didn't want to risk anything so off we went. The wait wasn't too bad and Dylan was fine aside from a few more of the weird breaths in the car on the way there. We didn't get home until 11pm and Dylan was up the whole time. Not even fussing much! And for those who believe in the "if you put them to bed later they will sleep later" theory, Dylan sits outside your box. WAY outside. He was still up very early - 6am and napped only two barely 1 hour naps on Sunday. Sigh...Sunday, though more relaxed, was hard on me as I was SUPER tired. House is still a mess. Made a blueberry pie though :)As a reward for reading the activities of our past weekend, here are some cute pic's of the kids. Dylan won't eat the "easy" stuff I give him, even if it is the same as what is on our plate, SO.... I threw him a bone.
Ok, mom. 'Ha-ha'. Put the camera down so I can eat my leg in peace.
Our little starlet practices her routine for this summer's "America's Got Talent"
Get down, get down. Get down, get down. Jungle boogie...
Sunday frolic at Castle Island. Dylan has REALLY made huge progress in the walking department this weekend. Did about 8 steps with Pe-pere on Saturday (a new record for him) and then kept doing a bunch of little walks the rest of the weekend - a few from one thing to another. It is going to be REALLY soon for him to be completely solo. Fun to see the difference between him and Sophia. She waited until she "knew" she wouldn't fall and just started running. Dylan is starting earlier, but is doing it more gradually.
D&D. (Dylan and Dad)
Happy first weekend of Summer!
Dylan's 6th tooth has popped through (finally!) today. Hope that is the end of his fussy-s for a while...
So, I have found a way in the last two shopping trips to keep Sophia from getting crazy after the first half hour of running like mad through the grocery store. I concede and get the football field length car cart (yes, you have seen them before and laughed at the mom pushing it. Little do you realize it is as difficult to push and make corners as it is embarrassing to be the pusher). Anyway, with two kids, I need to have a cart with seating or two PLUS a weeks worth of groceries. This one fits the bill. Cute to see Dylan and Sophia driving it around. I strap Dylan in and let Sophia jump in and out. This works as it gives her something to do while I put veggies in a bag, weigh them on the scale.... She keeps jumping in and out the whole trip and I don't have to lift her in and out to do so. Keeps us both happy I suppose. Makes the time pass faster for her.Thought of the day: You never realize how big your feet are until your 2 year old daughter starts clomping around in your shoes.More steps: Dylan let go of my finger of his own will to clap a few times and then walked AWAY from me about 2 steps to the stairs all on his own.Fun and Games: When ever the gate is forgotten at the stairs for a few moments Dylan glances over at me and I know instantly where he is about to head and he then starts laughing and racing over to the stairs to beat me. He gets there and starts laughing like crazy.Laughing: It is so fun watching babies laugh. When is the last time you were so happy you couldn't contain yourself and kicked your legs in fits of laughter. I can't remember either. Dylan does it daily.
I think Dr. Seuss needs to write a new book (is he still alive?) A sequel to Hop on Pop.Ok, I will start it off. It is based on a true story. Me and my litter.Glom on MomI see a baby, a baby boy.I see his mom, his favorite toy.When she lays upon the rugbaby one comes in to hug.Not one to easily be outdone,Comes Sophia to join the fun.First comes the baby's head on her belly,Then Sophia makes it jiggle like jelly....Ok, it needs work. But the title works, right?
Dylan stood up for the first time unassisted. He was outside with me and was on his hands and feet in a squat and then cautiously stood up. Twice. Then he went back down and crawled to me instead of taking a couple steps. He has also been looking upside down between his legs a lot lately.Sophia said Winnipeg.
Cindy:Ouchie knee back with a force. Difficult to walk more than 20' without a hobble. Kneeling at bath time with the kids and climbing over stair gates increasingly difficult and painful. Good news is that I have the name of another dr. to make an appointment with to hopefully do something about this.Freaking out just a little about Dylan's upcoming birthday. Lots to do, little time to plan. We will be in Winnipeg for his actual birthday and trying to plan something there from here. Have to get invites out, and think of party prep stuff from here. Then I would also like to show Dylan off for everyone HERE when we are back so I have to plan that before I leave too.Sophia:Extreme mommy days are back. Wanting me to put her to bed recently. Gives Ethan some quality time with Dylan reading him stories, though. I am a little concerned Sophia may still be sick - purple-y red under eyes today and could explain some of the separation anxiety. Has been wanting to be held with nice tight hugs (which I can't say I mind, actually feel really nice), but not herself entirely. She has been enunciating her words a lot more carefully lately and getting good at her colors. She showed me the pink, yellow and white bracelets from Gramily today. Still sings up a storm daily.Dylan:More and more he wants to walk using only one hand for support. Very cute, however, he likes to go full throttle and doesn't have the balance for that and keeps falling to his knees. He is a very fast cruiser, too. Especially if there is a stair gate down and is racing mom for the stairs. He is liking clapping too. Had a TERRIBLE sleep day today - woke at 4.30, napped 8.30-9.45 and then 1.10 (cried from 1-1.10 even with me rocking him) and woke screaming at 2. I think tooth #6 is really having a go with little man. I can see the pearly white just below the surface and it just won't break!Ethan:Working hard as always with his new position. Had a good trip to Florida - escaped the heat wave in Boston for more heat in Florida. I wasn't as jealous of this trip as the winter one. He is a little under the weather - dang virus' this year. Otherwise doing well :)
On a short walk with Sophia and Dylan I noticed a dead bird on the side of the side walk. On the way home I noticed another bird on the other side. This one was moving. I hurried home and interrupted Ethan and his lawn mowing to ask if he would go get it so we could try revive it. As our trend has been - I find them, Ethan retrieves them and does most of the revival efforts. This is our second bird rescue mission. Ethan recalled all the advice his nature loving friend has given him in the past about helping birds in such situations. Feed feed feed. I found the first plump worm that Ethan fed to the little bird. He sucked that baby right down. Ethan found a couple more and gave him water and paraded him around the house. He spent the night in a bucket on the window ledge and said good-bye to Ethan in the morning. I felt particularly sad for this bird as I helped provide it's last meal. Parading the bird... Not to worry it was pepperoni, not bird pizza for dinner.![](
So, at precisely 1.30pm this afternoon Dylan discovered the art of clapping. I was putting him down for a nap that well, didn't go so well, but the bright side was his discovery of clapping. I have been showing him a bit lately to clap his hands with no response other than that huge grin and laugh. Quite a bit later than most babies with this milestone, but that is just how my kids are. After all, it isn't a race, just crossing the finish line is what is important :)Kids had a good play session this evening around the french doors. They laughed their heads off licking the glass and pushing their faces up against it to each other.
So, this picture pretty much tells all in the kids enthusiasm for our trip to the Zoo on Thursday. I sat, unmoving much of the time, on the highway for 20 minutes to got two exits (kicking myself for not taking the side roads) and then another 10 minutes of actual driving to get to the zoo. I arrived at the entrance road and there was literally hundreds of kids in line to get in. UGH. I should have known end of school year would have field trips there. On the positive side, they didn't hold us up as they went through the prepaid line while I went through the regular side and only had one person in front of me.On the down side, it was a zoo in there. On BOTH sides of the fence. Kids are very pushy at that age and not very considerate of smaller pea sized kids. There were so many there we couldn't even get close to the glass/ fence to see the animals. I almost had a panic attack in the petting zoo area as I had the double stroller and was then mobbed by hundreds of kids. I had to put Sophia back in and inch my way out of that area. None of us enjoyed ourselves. Sophia DID like the carousel at the end of our trip, though. I was bummed we didn't get in close to see the lions as that was Sophia's favorite last time we were there. Maybe next time...
Life through Rose colored glasses And what a rosy life it is. Sophia grew attached to these at the store so I fell it was my duty to get them for her.
Sophia pushes her little man in her swing as she demonstrates the wiggle walk. Funny at this age she already is very possessive about HER swing at the playground, HER side of the double stroller...
Looks like pink is the new blue for boys. At least at our house. Sophia took her little man out for a stroll with me and my little man.![](
Drawing to a end here the first day of Ethan's trip to Florida. Kids were pretty good despite the heat. No major meltdown, though I had a small one at the end of the day looking for Lamby at bath time. I had great ambitions for today including vacuuming the basement, sweeping the main floor, cleaning up the growing heap of clothes in my room, doing sit ups, washing the floor, weeding the garden, make father's day cards... Aside from the vacuuming and sweeping I managed to sit on the couch eating ice cream using the painfully slow internet to look up "stuff". Cindy:1 Productivity:0.
We were in the mall a little while ago and my dear Sophia exhibited some sticky finger syndrome. I was leaving a store, still in the mall, and discovered a hat in the basket of the stroller and was able to return to the store to return the unpurchased item. Yesterday we weren't so lucky. I was looking for sunglasses and Ethan went to try on a shirt, leaving me with the kids. I let them play with the reading glasses as I tried on my own selections. As we were loading the kids into the car and putting the stroller in the trunk I discovered this pair of glasses in the basket in front of Dylan. My kids aren't even 3 and are already headed down the road to a life of crime. It was not worth getting the kids back into the stroller, into the mall and across it to the elevator to get to the store to return the $12 glasses so they remain here as a reminder of what not to do.
So, it is outrageously hot here again today. This time heat warnings have been issued this time and ozone warnings until 10pm. Great. Not only was my beach trip FAR more work and frustration than joy for any of us, but now I feel guilty for doing it at all. I never saw the warnings before I left. So, about this little "trip"... Last night, Ethan was sweet enough to go ahead and try to fix the SECOND flat on that jogger before heading to Florida today. At first I was going to take the kids on a stroller ride to DD for coffee and treats then the playground. Then I thought, maybe it is too hot, I will just go to Houghton's Pond instead. I was loading up the truck and found the tire on that jogger went flat AGAIN. grrrr. I decided to take the single jogger instead - BIG mistake. I got the kids packed into the truck that incidentally does NOT have AC working. Only about 87 at this point. Hit a drive-in DD that was not on the way and got my iced coffee and 2 munchkins for Sophia. Got to the pond and got the furthest, last shade spot (important for the car that has no ac). I got Dylan in the jogger and the heavy bag on my shoulder and Sophia took the wagon of toys. Along the LONG (much longer today than most days) path to the beach. Sophia stopped for every stone, and leaf. I started getting frustrated as it was hot and Dylan was getting irritated just sitting there waiting for her. Sophia was so hot, she was all sweaty and said, hot mama. Poor thing. I decided to change things around and have her in the stroller as I carried Dylan and the bag and some how drag the wagon. I found a tether strap on the stroller that I tied to the wagon and then to my wrist to drag it. As I was getting this done Sophia was climbing into the stroller. Joggers are very tippy. Yup, it flipped back, but luckily there was a pillow in the back and her head didn't hit the ground. Off the went, me dragging the little green toy wagon, pushing the jogger with one hand and squirmy baby in the other. We got to the beach and no one was itching to do anything. I managed to get the kids out of their shorts, into the swim diapers and in the water. Again, neither were thrilled with the water. After about half an hour, Sophia was ready for home, so onto the blanket went Dylan, Sophia and all the sand she could bring on her feet, etc. I struggled to get the swim diapers off, change Dylan on my knee so the sun wasn't in his eyes. Having the bum knee wasn't helping matters either. Couldn't kneel on it and was really just using the one good one to support Dylan and stabilize myself. Luckily Sophia is big enough to stand on her own to change her diaper. Got her in the stroller, wagon in tow and Dylan squirming again. Got to the truck and as I was getting Dylan back into his car seat, Sophia was trying to get out of the stroller. No sooner did I notice this and get the words out "Sophia Don't! sit down" than she flipped back again. Again, lucky no head smashes. Beach days just aren't fun like they used to be before kids. I can't wait until they are out of swim diapers and BOTH walking. I decided to test out the egg on sidewalk thing today. I guess the sidewalk wasn't hot enough. Just another mess for me to clean. Brilliant.
Day two of our 4 day heat wave here. Bummed that Sophia and Dylan didn't take to the water park sprinklers. Sophia sat in the stroller with the shade up and Dylan took cover under Ethan hat. Neither were excited by it. Sigh.... What ELSE is there you can do on a 90+ day? We wait all winter for it to heat up and then we hide inside by the air conditioner or under a fan to keep cool. no pleasin'.
So, it is yet to be determined if the sandbox is for me or the kids. Today I had fun recreating my own Ryoanji-esk rock garden. Complete with tacky garden frogs.
And enjoyed by my baby, little squirrels and token duck.
I think it's love. Could my rock garden have mystical aphrodisiac properties?
So, I took Sophia to the Dr. yesterday and found out she has croup. The good news is I think it is blue-er skies ahead. She was hit hardest yesterday, coughing a lot. I felt so bad for her and there wasn't anything that would help. It was day three (+/-) of the cough and they said that would be the worst. I heard rubbing Vick's vapor rub on the feet just before bed and putting socks on helps the cough a lot (that or congestion). I was nervous to try and I had given her cough medicine before I remembered this trick. I didn't put much on and I don't' think it was very effective. I will try more next time. LUCKILY, though, I don't think that will be for at least a little while as Sophia sounds much better today. YAY!Me on the other hand is back to square one with the ol' knee. I didn't have much confidence that a little shot of cortisone and sucking out the fluid would SOLVE the problem. Just a couple of band aides in my opinion. Knee is like a blow fish again. I really don't have much faith in going to Physical therapy either, at least more than one appointment for them to show me exercises to do AT HOME. If my ligament is truly stretched out, then it will need regular exercises until I am all done with needing my knee. I will not be going to and spending $15 per session for that length of time. Ugh. I would actually like there to BE a surgery solution so that it is a one time fix and I don't have to worry about it after that. I, unfortunately, don't think this is in the cards.
Both kids are still sick. Didn't even get over the first cold that blasted them and now Sophia is coughing a lot and VERY cranky. Waking at 5 and wanting a nap by 8.30. Dylan's fever was better, but still low grade at times. Wants to be held all the time and just not himself. Best part of the day today was tub time. Sophia got Dylan laughing like only she can. He hasn't laughed that much in days. Yay, Sophia! I really hope for a lot of better health tomorrow as these days have wiped mom out.
Dylan woke up last night as hot as a fireball. I didn't know human skin could actually get that red without prolonged exposure to the sun. His temp was "only" 102 which doesn't require emergency measures, however, I was alarmed at how hot his skin felt. Poor little guy. Getting better today, but still on the warm side of the fence.
Ok, so lawn ornaments are not haute couture for the lawn. But for some reason I have been obsessed with finding some ducks for our yard. I have seen a couple houses in the neighborhood with them and they have amused me and thought they would amuse Sophia. I have also been wanting to make our yard more "fun" and enticing for her to want to play in while Dylan naps. I would also like her to have her own stuff to play with and leave my gardens alone. I went on Craig's list and found one ad. They wanted $60 for the lot of their tacky statues. In the picture I spotted a couple ducks. On a whim I emailed the seller asking if he would sell just the ducks and how much. I wasn't even really expecting a reply when I returned from my jog hike. And then there it was. Yours free if you come and get them today. Wahoo! About 15 minutes away. When I got there I saw the duck, not the same as the ones I have eyed, but they were free. The guy and his wife then offered any others I wanted to take, free too. I asked a couple times if they minded and they said no so into my collection went a couple horrific bunnies (Sophia likes bunnies), 4 garden frogs (ok, I thought these MAY make it to my garden), a bunch of little squirrels (great for the sand box) and of course all the ducks - two big and three small. The small ones actually are kind of fun in the bird bath. They are ceramic, so they may be smashed to bits before the week is out.
I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather this afternoon and went for a jog hike. As I was rounding St. Moritz pond I nearly ran over a medium sized snapping turtle. Not sure who was more startled. Then about 10 minutes later at the bottom of rattlesnake hill I encountered a slithery fellow. Probably not a rattler, closer in line to a guarder, but slimy and unpleasant none the less.