Friday, June 6, 2008


So, I took Sophia to the Dr. yesterday and found out she has croup. The good news is I think it is blue-er skies ahead. She was hit hardest yesterday, coughing a lot. I felt so bad for her and there wasn't anything that would help. It was day three (+/-) of the cough and they said that would be the worst. I heard rubbing Vick's vapor rub on the feet just before bed and putting socks on helps the cough a lot (that or congestion). I was nervous to try and I had given her cough medicine before I remembered this trick. I didn't put much on and I don't' think it was very effective. I will try more next time. LUCKILY, though, I don't think that will be for at least a little while as Sophia sounds much better today. YAY!

Me on the other hand is back to square one with the ol' knee. I didn't have much confidence that a little shot of cortisone and sucking out the fluid would SOLVE the problem. Just a couple of band aides in my opinion. Knee is like a blow fish again. I really don't have much faith in going to Physical therapy either, at least more than one appointment for them to show me exercises to do AT HOME. If my ligament is truly stretched out, then it will need regular exercises until I am all done with needing my knee. I will not be going to and spending $15 per session for that length of time. Ugh. I would actually like there to BE a surgery solution so that it is a one time fix and I don't have to worry about it after that. I, unfortunately, don't think this is in the cards.

1 comment:

Gramily said...

Oh dear...sounds like some challenges here. Glad Sophia is better at least. Hope you come to a conclusion about how to proceed with the old knee. geeesh. That knee is your squeaky wheel. I'll be thinking of you, Dear.